Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy 47-months, Joshua!

Yesterday was Joshua's 47-month birthday. If you ask him, though, he firmly believes he has already turned four. He knows his birthday is September 18, but he thinks that has passed since he is a 'big and strong' boy. When we told him today is Aunt Becky's birthday, he told me he'd rather it be his birthday (hope you have a happy one anyway, Becky!). Unfortunately, he spent his 47-month birthday feeling sick. Turns out that it's not strep throat for either of us. My doctor thinks we may have mono. Pray that it's not! Poor little one! Please pray for him! Whatever this is has been rough!
On the positive side, Shawn stayed home from work yesterday to be with us. I didn't feel well enough to handle a sick kid and a highly energetic well kid in my current state. So, the Bean got lots of love from his precious Daddy. We were outside (the Bean had asked to ride his big boy bike, which he is doing quite well now!), and then it started to rain. So, Joshua begged for an umbrella... then he stood with it on our porch, which made us giggle. Silly Bean! He was dry, that's for sure!

Speaking of dry, I would say Joshua is officially done with potty training. He's been going in the potty and hasn't had an accident in a while. He still has some days where he doesn't go, but when it comes time, he's made it to the potty. He even went at Grandma's house with her 'Tilly the turtle' potty. He's been waking us up in the middle of the night when he feels the urge to go. This had led to dry pull-ups in the morning but sleep-deprived mommy & daddy once again. I think we need to invest in a night light and a reinforcement that he can go at night just like he goes during the day - without help. We've told him that we'd rather him not get out of bed unless it's an emergency so now he's calling for us to go potty. Sweet, but tiring. All that said, he's doing a great job and we're proud of him for making this transition.
Joshua still makes us laugh all the time. He has this 'cross face' that is just so silly. And he & Caleb will show us their happy faces that are sooo funny! Joshua told us the other day that Caleb needed a 'hot lickin.' We both burst into laughter. What?!?! This was a Grandpa Georgia expression. I knew a 'lickin' meant a 'spanking' but Joshua didn't. He thought it meant "lick" so he stuck out his tongue, which made my dad roll. Grandpa told me he said he threatened to give them a 'HARD lickin' and hang them up by their ears if they weren't good, which had made both boys laugh. They thought they were going to get licked and hung upside down, which sounded like great fun with Grandpa. They enjoy hanging out with him. So, now Joshua says that a 'hard lickin' but there was nothing funnier than when he was thinking he needed a 'hot lickin.' Silly Bean!

Joshua knows his address, phone number, parents' names, date of birth, brother's name and how to spell his name. He also knows that you dial 9-1-1 in case of emergency and tell them the problem and his address. Hopefully he'll never have to use it! We've talked about it and did a roll-play once, but then I let it go. I don't want him to try it unnecessarily and yet I want him to know it in case of emergency. The other night I dreamed that somehow they got left alone when we were out and a babysitter left. The nightmare made me wake up in a panic. But, it was a good reminder to pray for the boys and allow God to care for them.

Speaking of babysitter, here's another 'funny' from the Bean. He told my mom that his sister is Miranda. He has mistaken 'sister' for 'sitter.' Yesterday he was talking about Aunt Jen, and I said 'Did you know Jen was my sister?' He replied, 'Yeah, and Ma-maw was my sister yesterday.' Haaaa!!! Mamaw had indeed watched the boys since I've been sick (thanks, Mom! and thanks for making us dinner, too!). It makes me laugh because he kept telling us he wanted a sister. Now I'm wondering if he meant that he wanted a babysitter. So innocent! So cute!

Mamaw brought Joshua a preschool workbook with her. I had mentioned wanting something that he can trace letters to learn how to write more, and she found one when she was at the store. We started working in it yesterday. Writing is difficult for him, but he seems to pick up other things so easily. Sometimes I'm amazed at all he knows: colors, shapes, letters, numbers, and recognizing pictures. He's vocabulary impresses me at times. Even when I fear I'm not teaching him enough, he seems to pick things up. He enjoyed the time we spent with the work book, and I told him that we have to do it together.

Another thing he's been really into lately is stickers. He LOVES to take stickers out of books and put them on papers to make new pictures. So, every time he does his 'official business' in the potty, we've given him more stickers. He really enjoys them.

I need to go shopping for the Bean for the back-to-school season, too. I'm mostly interested in him getting measured for shoes so I know what size to buy and also looking at what I have in the 4-5T range. He's growing so quickly! At his doctor's appointment this past week, he weighed 32 pounds exactly. Booster seats are for 4-year-olds and 40 pounds. I think we have awhile until he'll reach 40 pounds, but he's growing taller each day. Here's a picture of him enjoying the casserole he helped me make the other day:

There's more I could write about... like how he loves the song "Crazy" that we had performed at church and sings along to it at the top of his how he told me that "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga is his absolute favorite song ??? Things like him playing 'Dr. Daisy' and asking 'what's the matter' from Mickey Mouse and how he told me he really, really wants to meet Mickey someday. (Smile.) But, I'm tired and going to nap while they nap in hopes of us all feeling better soon. Happy 47-month birthday, my little Bean! One more month of being 3... let's not rush growing up!

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