Monday, August 9, 2010

Cooking Cuties

Since I had lots of produce, we decided to go grocery shopping for other ingredients for me to make some casseroles and freeze. Wednesday morning, Joshua said he wanted to help me cook. While cooking with little guys takes WAY longer and a whole lot more patience, it is also way more fun at times, too, and well worth the extra effort involved. The Bean and the Bluke went and got their stools so they could reach the counter. And, on Curious George, Chef Bisketti always wears a chef's hat and apron, as George pointed out. So, we improvised. They both got hats from Joshua's collection in his bedroom, and I used a chip clip to fasten a hand towel around them as their apron. And we were all set after we washed our hands!
First, we took turns chopping up the onion and green pepper while the pasta cooked. Then, we started measuring and dumping the rest of the ingredients. The Bean even tried some of the pineapple juice we had drained off the pineapples that I always save for Daddy. He said it was good! The boys also took things to the trash and recycling for me. Soon enough, we had our finished casseroles that I labeled and put in our chest freezer.
That morning, Caleb didn't want to get out of his jammies, so I didn't make him, knowing we were going to be at home anyway. So, him in his train hat and Superman PJ's was too cute even though he wouldn't hold still for a picture.
Then he gave me the train hat to wear. Since I had my apron on, I think I looked more like a conductor. It didn't matter, though. That night, I also made a Bubble Pizza, using the recipe Aunt Erica gave me, and our fresh squash. We ate cantaloupe and watermelon for dessert with it. It was yummy!

The following day, Grandpa Georgia brought us some fresh ears of corn from the stand, which I made for dinner. It was out of this world! To say thanks, I invited him over for dinner Friday night for lasagna, salad and homemade peach pudding which I made from scratch using the rest of the peaches I had bought. It was amazing if I do say so myself. I have a roast in the crock pot for dinner tonight with fresh red potatoes from the stand and green beans. Mmmm...

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