Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 25-month birthday, Caleb!

The newest thing Caleb is doing is learning more and more of his letters. He knows a good many of them, including all of them in his name and his brother's. There are several others he gets right most of the time like 'I' and 'D' and a few he gets wrong most of the time, like mistaking 'M' for 'W.' He also often calls green 'red' before correcting himself. Red is red and green is red sometimes. Caleb counts well and I think is pretty sharp for his age. His vocabulary is also growing in leaps and bounds.
While Caleb is still easygoing, we've seen a streak of 'personality' starting to come with his turning two. I think part of it is simple frustration. It can be tough when you want to do things and explore more and there's many times that we have to say 'no.' He wants to run and be free, but we still make him hold hands to walk across the street, etc. I think he's testing the boundaries more now and he also mimmicks his brother's behavior as well.
Caleb has shown zero interest in the potty, which is difficult for me. Not sure how to convince him that this is "fun" and necessary??? I know this, too, shall pass.

Caleb loves music and songs, but he definitely has ones he likes and dislikes. He's really into Mickey Mouse right now, too. He sleeps well overnight, going to bed between 8 and 9 pm (sometimes later this summer as we've been more active) and sleeping in until 7 am or sometimes even a little bit later. He typically naps between one and two hours in the afternoon after lunch. His favorite food is peanut butter & jelly and he begs for it three meals a day (which we don't do). He also loves waffles for breakfast, and he thoroughly enjoys grapes and chocolate. His favorite drink is milk by far, but he also likes water. He still loves books and asked the other night for 'Bombaloo' and his 'bears' books. He also enjoys playing with cars and trains in particular. He really is a sweet little guy and still asks to be held or 'up' at various points throughout the day. He loves to go for walks to look for puppies or squirrels in our neighborhood. He only likes Crocs on his feet (which is fine for summer) and likes to brush his own teeth. He doesn't mind water on his head, so he enjoys baths and swimming, putting his face right under (which sometimes scares me). He's a strong little guy and growing bigger each day. He's almost caught up to his big brother! I don't think it will be long now.

There's more that I could write, but these are the highlights for this 'birthday.' Happy 25, little Caleb Luke!

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