Sunday, August 8, 2010

Boy Stories

The last week of July, the boys were 'rolling in cuteness.' Joshua in particular said so many cute things that I had to write them down. First of all, my favorite one is when he smiled big one night and said to Shawn, "Thank you for coming home, Daddy!" He still says it - "Thanks so much for coming home from work, Daddy" and "Thanks for leaving your big trains to come home to us." I loved this sweetness - I, too, appreciate when Shawn gets home from work but it never occurred to me to thank him for coming home. In this world, this is worthy of thanks!!!
Shawn said his favorite was when we were in the car, and Joshua looked at me with his sweet big blue eyes and asked in the nicest little voice "Momma, are you proud of me?" I answered, "You bet! I love you and I'm very proud of you!" And I always will be. What a question - what a little guy!

The next morning, Caleb woke up after Joshua (which is typical). The Bean was so excited when Caleb finally woke up (around 7ish). He proclaimed "Good morning, Caleb. I love you!" Then they kissed each other. He often comments "Caleb's my friend." Just yesterday, the Bean started singing a song about Caleb, and I caught "yeah, he's my brother." Sooo cute!
Caleb has also been doing some new things that make us smile. For one, he started doing his own 'Simon says.' Before he always wanted someone else to be Simon (or Slimin', as Joshua says). Now he'll say the different motions he wants us to do. It's really cute.

Both boys have been enjoying the DVD my sister got Caleb for his birthday. They'll both sing "Fall on Jesus, Do the Right Thing!" which is adorable. Caleb will also say as the little car is racing, "Go, Johnny!" We always smile. I think the race car's name is "Johnny B. Good." The boys can relate to his last name.

Finally, and I'm not exactly sure where this one came in, but Caleb Luke often says "Hey, Mister Mister!" in the cutest voice with a little accent as he pokes with his pointer finger. Daddy & him do it back and forth, and then the boys try to include me... only I'm not a mister mister. Haaa!!! It is seriously adorable.

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