Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rollin' to Roland

Yesterday, I met some of the gals from my youth group years at Roland Park in Akron. Michelle organized the picnic 'n park fun and then came down with the flu, along with her youngest daughter, and couldn't make it. Another friend never RSVP'd but the other four of us all went with our kiddos. Cheryl (on the left) has four (the three behind me and the one she's holding), Kristina (on the far right) has the little gal she's holding, my two boys were in front and Jen (next to me) is praying to conceive (keep her & her husband in your prayers!). We had a nice time catching up.
Joshua, who's posing for the camera in the above picture, fell down just as we were leaving the house and skinned up his shin something awful. He kept telling me all morning how ouchy his leg was. I felt SO bad for him. If you squint in the top picture, you can see his bloody leg. Poor guy! Then he fell backwards off the picnic table. It truly was not his day on Monday. :( :( :( A friend I had met at LCBC's Women's Bible Study (and she also goes to MOPS even though she's not in my group, and she has a daughter in Calvary's Preschool even though she's not in Joshua's class) ended up being there with another friend from church. And that was it at this big park for a long while! Heidi agreed to take our picture (above), which I thought was sweet.
Here's Joshua pushing Miss Jen on the big swing. He thought this was really cool. He also had a great time playing with Jemiah, Cheryl's third child, who's four years old (soon to be five). After they were done swinging, they went down the slides together and the Bean followed him around as they played. Caleb didn't really keep up with them - he was more interested in running around and climbing on all the playground equipment.
Each of us gals brought something to contribute to lunch - Kris brought veggies and then also made sandwiches since Michelle called to say she was sick, Cheryl brought fruit, Jen brought cookies, I brought munchies (pretzel goldfish & chips) and of course all the paper/plastic/foam products. We had a nice morning out and the weather was beautiful. It was nice to catch up - we used to be all but inseparable back in our high school days and it's nice to talk about what God's doing in our lives, etc. I think we'll get together again in August, possible at Cheryl's parents pool. Thanks for the fun times, friends!

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