Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Beading Buddies

Sunday afternoon, Shawn had plans to go golfing with Chris from our life group. They had wanted to go earlier but since I was on the worship team, I asked that he wait until I get home to be with the boys and he said okay. The sky was getting black as he went to leave, and I asked him if he knew it was supposed to storm that afternoon. He said everything would be fine and took off, only to call me 20 minutes later as the heavens had opened to dump water on us in buckets. The wind was moving sideways where he was at, and he said he had to dodge patio furniture that was on the road. He had called the golf course, and they were closing (of course) so he had called Chris, whose car was currently getting pummeled by hail. They both talked about how it felt tornado-esque. Sure enough, where they were had a tornado according to the news. Thankfully both of them made it home safely. But, no golfing for them, unfortunately.
After the boys woke up from their naps, Joshua asked if we could play with the beads. I said sure and dug out the string. We don't have enough vowels left to make any words, but that was okay with them. They would tell me the colors of the beads and the letters. I was surprised at how many letters Caleb knew, along with the colors. But, what surprised me the most was that he didn't need any help to do his bead necklace this time. He threaded each one on carefully all by himself. They both highly enjoyed it.
Here's Joshua proudly displaying his final piece in our office/play room. Please pray that he adjusts better to going to church without me. He bawled again Sunday morning, Shawn told me. I know he'll get used to it, but I hate to hear when he's sad. And he loves time with Daddy, but I know he's a creature of habit and the way we normally go to church is as a family. Pray that he adjusts to the new routine, which only happens once a month.
Speaking of sad, Joshua cracked me up yesterday. He woke up from his nap and said "MOMMA! MOMMA! DADDY IS SAD!" I asked him why, knowing that Daddy was at work, and I thought Joshua might say because he was missing us. But not this time. The Bean said "Daddy's sad because the trash man just stole all his trash and took it away." Haaa!!! Actually that makes Daddy happy - Daddy doesn't really want the trash that he puts in those cans and takes to the curb. Silly Bean!!!

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