Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Born to Worship

Sunday I was on the worship team for the city campus. After becoming facebook friends with the gal who sings on the fourth Sunday (who seems super sweet!), I saw she had been tagged in photos that were posted on the KidVentureIsland facebook site. I had to "borrow" them, not because I'm proud of being on stage but because it's a good reminder of what God has done in my life.

On Wednesdays at practice, we have a time of Bible study before playing together, which I think is a great way to start out rehearsal. This past week, we were asked to share something in our lives where we know God has orchestrated the situation(s) to show His love for us (I'm sure this wasn't the exact wording of the question - the worship leader first read Romans 5:1-5 and then asked a question and this was my interpretation of it). I realized later that even my being part of that group was such an illustration. I've learned that most of the folks on the worship team studied music in college. The vocalist teaches choir at Penn Manor. The drummer even attended Berkley. Wow! I think I stick out like a sore thumb. After all, I taught myself how to play piano - or really the Holy Spirit taught me - in the basement of my mom's house during the blizzard of '96 when I was stuck inside.

I had played the viola since I was 8 years old, so I had a musical background and my mom played piano (and thankfully we had one at our house and an old keyboard) and my dad played the guitar. And most of my friends from my younger days played some instrument or another. But, I remember wanting desperately to be able to worship God at home. So, prayed about it and asked God to enable me to play worship music. I asked a friend to show me a couple chords, I was given access to worship music at the church we played at, and I played and sang and worshiped at home by myself (and my friend learned the guitar at the same time so we would get together and sing and praise some days). I enjoyed worshiping God so much that I often sat down in front of our old upright piano and continued to play by ear for the most part, learning the chords and the chord progressions. I told God that my music was for His glory alone. I lead youth group worship a couple times on the piano when I was a teen. Later I learned to play the guitar, mainly in hopes that I could follow a guitar worship leader. But, with the barring of chords and the capo, I didn't continue to pursue skill on that instrument as I loved the piano. After Shawn & I got married, I joined the worship team at our former church, singing and playing the keyboard. I also lead worship for the youth there. But, I never 'studied' music. I just want to honor God and worship Him in Spirit and truth. As I read the music they post, it's even amazing to me that I know the musical terms on it. Then I realize... this, too, is from God.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was born to worship. What's my calling in life? While I know that I'm to be a wife and a mom, a teacher (at least at this time) and a writer, I know that more than anything else in this life, I am called to worship. I was given breath so that I can praise God. And worship to me isn't just Sunday morning songs. It's a life of reading about God and knowing Him, it's an expression of praise and thanksgiving, it's a life of realizing how amazing God is and giving Him glory. When the Lord lead the Israelites out of captivity, over and over again Exodus relays that God's people were called to worship Him. This is my purpose. And I am honored to play with those who are more skillful than I am (although I believe we should all pursue excellence in what God has called us to play or do), I realize that He has brought me to this place as another outlet to fulfill this purpose.
I love this song by Sarah Kelly (and this is the only video I could find of it). My favorite part is where it says "And it's all so clear...it's all so clear... I was born to worship!" Great song that I've loved for many years. Enjoy! Praise the Lord today!

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