Saturday, July 10, 2010

Caleb's 2nd Birthday Party

For Caleb's party this year, we decided to have cake & ice cream on the actual evening of his birthday and invite our friends and family to come enjoy dessert and some outdoor activities like swimming for the kids, etc. That afternoon, though, it started to POUR! The thunder boomed (which Caleb thought was more fireworks) and the heavens showered us. Both boys prayed "Dear God, please stop the rain and bring out the sunshine so we can swim with our friends. In Jesus' name, AMEN!" I thought God would honor their cute requests. But, I decorated inside rather than out just to make sure nothing got wet (including us!). Here's the birthday boy with his beloved Daddy!
Shawn took off a little early to grab the helium balloons, the cake and our dinner, which we ate as a family in our bedroom as a "picnic" on the floor for fun since it was still wet outside. The entire house boasted Curious George themed decorations and Caleb balloons. We even bought a Curious George pinata and filled it with candy.
After reading that sometimes pinatas can cause shoving and fights, I decided to fill Curious George bags with candy and treats so that every child got at least a little something. I thought that would make a good enough giveaway 'gift bag' for coming to the party then.
After buying all the decorations, I discovered the hard way that no bakery in Lancaster County seems to carry Curious George or even monkeys as a theme for birthday cakes. I was desperate. Finally Oregon Dairy said they could put cupcake rings on the cake. While not being thrilled with the idea, I didn't have any other options so I said okay and asked if they could at least make a monkey theme to go with it, and the lady said she could do a jungle. I wasn't sure what it would look like, but I was THRILLED when I saw how it turned out. And the cake was delicious! It was way better than I expected and less expensive than I expected. Woohoo! Plus, the kids got to keep the rings, which they love. An added bonus!
We put a variety of sodas in our cooler, and then Shawn suggested using Caleb's bucket from Grandma Good for water since it had his name on it. It worked out well!
Soon our guests started to arrive. When we were buying the party supplies, both boys highly enjoyed playing with these masks. So, we bought two and figured that other folks could get pictures of their monkeys. This was Aunt Missy's monkey (her husband Kevin).
We invited our immediate families and our life group. Those who attended included Aunt Jen, Faith, Emma, Daniel & John (Mike & Grace were at her swim meet); Mamaw & Ken; Grandpa Georgia; Nonie, Poppy & Aunt Hilary; Aunt Alicia & Jordon; Uncle Kevin & Aunt Missy; Uncle Brian, Grant & Jenavieve (Aunt Gayle was working); Mr. Chris, Ms. Lisa & Isabella; Ms. Becca, Alayna & Kyla; and Mr. Don, Ms. Melanie, Abby & Emma. Thankfully the rain had stopped and the evening was looking better. We still started inside, and the house filled up quickly!
We bought a Curious George coloring book and let the kids start coloring pages as they waited for the cake, ice cream & snacks to be served.
Soon it was time to light the Caleb candles and sing happy birthday to him.
Then folks went outside to find more spots to eat. Shawn's relatives sat on the deck.
Becca brought a blanket and our life group friends took a corner to hang out together.
Mom & Ken brought chairs to sit in.
And Dad & Jen's crew took up another corner. Grandpa helped Jen with her gang - here he is with John.
The kids started to play as folks finished up their food. Joshua always convinces Caleb to push him on this car, but Caleb's never sure that he wants Joshua guiding him when he's sitting in it. :) :) :)
Here's Abby & Isabella playing soccer with our goal.
Soon we told the kids it was time for the pinata. Shawn hung him with care (and that's a root beer in his hand).
Then we lined up the kids and explained that they were each to pull on a string.
We let the birthday boy go first since he was also the youngest in the crowd anxiously waiting their turn.
I don't remember what order folks went in from there, but here are some more pictures, starting with Joshua:
Then Daniel with Aunt Jen helping him, then Emma & Faith took turns in birth order:

Then we asked if any other kids wanted a turn who hadn't stood in line. Here's Becca helping Alayna:
And Melanie helping Abby:
And Lisa helping Isabella:
Unfortunately my picture of Jenavieve turned out blurry, and I also think Grant may have taken a turn. Then we came back to people who wanted a second turn. Joshua & Faith together pulled on the string that was supposed to open the back door and let the candy out. Only, it broke! So, Daddy to the rescue! He pulled it open and the kids scrambled for candy:

After everyone had finished picking up the candy they wanted, Shawn got out the bat at Jordon's request to go ahead and smash George. Here's Joshua taking a swing. Isabella went next, and Jordon finished it by whacking him until his body fell off his head. Isabella was sad that George was broken, so Shawn rigged his head back on him and she continued to play with the bat & the pinata for awhile. It was cute to watch. He was a hit!

Then we let the kids swim in the pirate ship and baby pools. Eventually we also put the slide in the pool, which my boys love.

 Then we started to open the gifts for this little 2-year old!

He had lots of little helpers! They were so cute.

The kids continued to play and the adults continued to talk. Soon it was time that folks started heading out. The kids got their towels and started to dry off and get dress. And Joshua & Grant started playing with the party favors as I handed out gift bags.

At one point, Shawn & I discovered that Caleb wasn't with either of us. We couldn't find him at first, and my heart began to pound. But soon enough we found that sneaky Caleb Luke. He went back inside - away from the craziness of the party - to enjoy himself a piece of chocolate cake. I giggled and snapped a picture.

Aunt Missy was leaving, but she was kind enough to give Caleb a kiss with his chocolate crumby face. Sooo cute!
We took him outside to finish his cake so we could keep an eye on him. We bid farewell to our family and friends who had blessed us by coming to celebrate our youngest son turning two. Thanks for coming, everyone! Happy 2nd birthday my precious Caleb Luke!

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