Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lil' Readers Make a Splash

The boys had both finished their 'Make a Splash' book reading requirements, but we hadn't taken them to the library yet to hand in their forms. (Here are the boys and me, reading one of our family's favorites "Sometimes I'm Bombaloo." We can all relate to this one!)
Since it was pouring Saturday morning when we woke up, we decided this was a good day to exchange books at the library. We took back Bombaloo and the 'Scary Hair' book that we had borrowed for a second time and exchanged them for a few new ones including "Don't forget to Come Back," which we read that night. First, though, the boys handed in their forms to the librarian. Here's the Bean with his colored form, handing it up to the woman.
And here's Caleb giving her his form. Every time we go to the Manheim Township Library, he runs straight for the gi-normous gorilla in the middle of the kids section. He is in awe of this big thing! The woman cut the bottom portion of their forms and allowed them to keep the top for their 'records.'
Then she gave them their prizes, which included a little plastic airplane, a little whale (Joshua picked blue and Caleb picked red out of the various colors), and a coupon for an ice cream cone at McDonald's, a coupon for a lawn seat at one of three Barnstormer's games, and a coupon for a coach ride on the Strasburg Railroad with a paying adult. They were thrilled with the whales especially.
Then we let them pick out two more books each before heading back to the car. Once we got on, Joshua saw the title of the one book 'How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the USA' and he said, "Look, there's A - S - U for Joshua!" He now thinks all letters that are in his name are for him, since we always say "J for Joshua." Now J-O-S-H-U-A are all "his." Daddy laughed and said, "yep, you were born in the ASU."

Great job boys on reading all those books and learning your letters! Mommy loves times that we get to read together. I hope you'll always enjoy reading and learning.

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