Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Caleb's Artwork

The other day, Caleb asked for a piece of paper, sat down with the crayon box and drew me this picture. Then he handed it to me. I LOVE it! I remember when Joshua started creating artwork and I was so impressed. I feel the same way about my little Caleb. We often color in coloring books, but this is one of his first masterpieces by himself. Joshua often asks for a blank sheet of paper to color on and put stickers on, etc. but Caleb just started this type of art.
Caleb's first Sunday in his new classroom at LCBC was Sunday, July 4, since he turned two that following Thursday. My friend Margie was one of the helpers in his room, and her son Henry is in there (until he turns 3 in September). Caleb created this artwork above in his class, and I treasured it. How sweet is this paper? My boys both love the story of Jonah and the whale (in fact, Joshua told Papaw the story the other week when he called... just before he told him that the rule in our house is to put the seat down so Mama doesn't accidentally fall in... haaa!!! He's a silly goose. But, since I gave him this 'rule' he's done pretty well with my request.). Anyway, Caleb creating artwork is just another sign of how much older he's getting. No longer do we have a 'baby' but instead this handsome, sweet and talented two-year-old toddler has taken his place. I'm sure there will be plenty of other artwork to come (I don't take pictures of it all, but just the ones I think are particularly special). Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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