Friday, July 9, 2010

Caleb Luke at Two Years

I enjoy writing about where the kids are at 'in this moment in time' because I like to look back and remember as much as possible about them. And I hope that some day they will be able to read about themselves, too. So, here goes. First, Caleb has started singing along to the 'ABC' song and he LOVES it! He'll ask for it over and over again. He also likes "You Are My Sunshine," "Mary Had a Little Lamb," "Good Night," "God Song" and "My God is So Big" among others. These are his most often requested. He loves music in general and will dance just about any time he hears a tune he likes. Lately, it's been cute to watch him dance to 'Sweet Caroline.' He also still loves the song "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga and will dance and dance to it. He also enjoys counting his toes and fingers singing "one little, two little, three little to-es..." One other song I can think of that he's loving right now is the "Spider Man" theme song and will request it played on youtube where he can watch Spider Man.

Other shows he's watching include his favorite Curious George, the cars DVD my sister just got him, Veggie Tales, a little Thomas (although he loses interest in this decently dull show pretty quickly) and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD.
Caleb will say "YOU do it!" or "No, YOU!" all the time when asked to do something that he can't do or would like help with. It's terribly difficult to describe without actually getting to hear how cute it is. Maybe I can video it someday. Shawn & I will say it to each other and laugh. It is seriously one of the cutest things he does. It's like his little 'what?' but cuter. He also likes to say certain names over and over again just to say 'hi' and smile like 'Grandpa Georgia' and 'Papaw.' He loves his grandpas, but I think his favorite person in this whole world is Daddy. He just adores Shawn. And he really enjoys his big brother, too. That said, you often see younger kids following their older siblings. In our case, there are many times that Caleb will lead the activities because he doesn't want to follow. You can see his personality starting to come out these days.

And you can also see that he has definitely turned two in that he is testing his boundaries. How close to the line can I get before I've crossed it? If I ask them not to go as far as the sidewalk while playing in our driveway, he'll play right next to it, taking the occasional step onto it. He is also showing a streak of stubbornness that we're not used to in our little guy. And his temper is starting to show itself to as he screams "NO! Okay!?!!?" or gives his brother a little smack here and there when the Bean takes his toys. We're finding that he hates time outs and will eventually say he's sorry to Joshua and give him a kiss. Both boys are quick to forgive, which is good. I pray that this trait stays forever.
Caleb really is our Curious George at this stage of life. He loves to get into things and see how things work - not to be bad but just to figure stuff out. That said, he's done a couple things before the Bean (like open his 'name' water bottle by pushing the button) just by his exploring and figuring it out. This little guy LOVES to play. He enjoys playing 'tatoes' or Mr. Potato Head, cars and trains. He also likes to make up his own games. He loves to spin in circles to get dizzy and fall down. He often jumps more than Tigger in Winnie the Pooh, and he'll run in circles for a long time with Joshua on our first floor. He also enjoys playing "Simon Says" and laughs when we say "no, Simon didn't say." One other thing that Caleb thinks is hysterical is pretending to sleep and getting woken up suddenly. The game has gotten to the extent that he'll get our couch pillows and whatever blanket he can find to get comfortable before throwing it off to say "Good morning, good morning, good morning." He laughs and laughs and then does it all over again. He thrives on one-on-one playing time.

He also loves to play with his cozy coupe car on our driveway. He's starting to pretend with Joshua that they're going to the store for milk or cookies and brings it back to me. Then they'll trade cars, fill it with gas, check the horn and keep driving around. Then they'll get out and push them around in circles. Then they'll drive some more. That was the best $10 we ever spent to buy a second one for Caleb (since we were given Joshua's and they both LOVE them!) When we're outside, he'll ride the big Thomas bike or the little bike, but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of pedaling yet. He'll also hit the sounds of our 'Better Batter Ball' and grin. He also draws 'pictures' (mostly lines at this point) with the sidewalk chalk. Caleb loves to be outside but in small doses in this heat before he asks to come in for a drink. He highly enjoys swimming in the baby pools we have and dumping water out of the little pitchers and toys and sliding down into the pool.
My little man is STRONG! I can't wait to see what he weighs (his doctor's appointment is Monday). He is all muscle. There are times when he and Joshua are rolling around together that I think Caleb has the upper hand. He's almost as big as the Bean already. They are the best of buds. Caleb loves to climb and pull himself up and has the muscle to do so many times (which is scary since he has NO fear!). He also likes to do things himself, like climbing into the car and getting buckled. He'd rather walk and hold hands than be held most times when we're in public. That said, the potty training has not gone well so far. I've let it go and will try again in a month or so. He pops off the little potty like it's a hot potato and we're punishing him, and while he loves big boy 'undies' he doesn't even recognize when he's wet or left a puddle on my floor for me to clean up.
The pictures are all from the mall yesterday. I couldn't believe when the gal told him to lay down and put a hand to his cheek that he immediately obeyed. He used to run away from the camera. That alone shows me how much he's grown - even in just a month!

Caleb helps with certain 'chores' around the house. He loves to help unload the dishwasher, and I allow him to help with the silverware (not wanting him to break any of the glass). He also helps unload the dryer and will tell me with pretty good accuracy whose clothing it is and what it is - "Joshie's shirt, Caleb's pants, Daddy's undies" etc.
Caleb is wearing 24-month or 2T clothes pretty solidly. There are a couple pairs of shorts (like his swim trunks) that a 12-month still fits since he's slim in the waist (that said, the only swim trunks that fit Joshua right now are a 12-18 month!). But the 18-month or adjustable waist 24 month pants fit him well. He's tall in his torso, so 2T-3T shirts fit him well. He even wore a couple of Joshua's 4T shirts that fit just fine. In fact, the shirt in these pictures is a 4T. He also has big feet. The last time we had his feet measured, they were 8.5 wide and still growing. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already a size 9. That said, he insists on wearing his Scooby Doo Crocs on every occasion (which are an 8-9). He loves them even though he trips in them more often than regular shoes.
There are so many things I could write about my little Caleb Luke. In fact, even just how he says his name is cute. He puffs out his chest and says he's "TAY-leb LUKE!" He knows the letter 'J' is for Joshua and sometimes recognizes the 'C' for Caleb. He's starting to recognize more and more letters, and I even see him recognizing some of his colors. Speaking of colors, he also is starting to do more artwork. He asked to paint by himself the other day, he enjoys playing with chalk, and the other morning he requested a piece of paper and colored a picture with his crayons. He also made the cutest artwork in his new class at church this past Sunday. I took a picture of it, so I'll have to post it on here.

Speaking of church, Caleb is starting to pray more. Joshua's typically the one that requests prayers. But, the other day Caleb hurt himself and asked us to pray for it. He also bows his head and scrunches up his eyes to say the dinner prayers, which he's starting to say with us. He also prays at night with me. Occasionally he'll bow down with me in the morning when I do my devotions, but many times he just jumps on my back. He said a prayer yesterday when he heard it thundering that God would stop the rain and bring the sunshine for his party. And God was faithful - the rain quit and the kids still got to swim!
Caleb still loves books. Mamaw & Papaw got him a new scratch 'n sniff book, and he played with it for over half an hour last night, scratching the pictures, dramatically sniffing in air threw his nose and then saying 'mmmm' (exactly what I did to show him how it works). Every time he got to the strawberry, he would excitedly shout it out. He LOVES his fruit! While he enjoys being read to, he insists on picking the book that he's in the mood for. We've read some of the same books over a hundred times, I think. He loves the Berenstein Bears and the Case of the Missing Honey, Baby Bears Books, Stanley the Stinkbug, the Cars books, Sometimes I'm Bombaloo, Kiss Goodnight and others.

We often read before bed, and he's now sleeping with a big boy pillow and not just one but TWO blankies which he requests. He likes his green blankey first and his frog blankey second. He also likes to have his t-bear and drink of water with him in bed.
Caleb is still gentle and sweet with his voice & actions. For example, he tore each piece of paper off his gifts last night one by one and gently laid them down. He also talks softly and is just so sweet. I can't describe it, but I think he gets it from his Daddy. He loves to say 'hi' to people as we walk, and yet he's still extremely bashful in large crowds or when he doesn't know someone or remember them.

There is so much more I could say, but I think I've written enough for now. I'm so thankful that Caleb was born two years ago. Little did I know how important he would be to the dynamic of our household. He & Joshua play so well together, and he makes me realize just how little both my boys are. He has been very important to us, and we love him so much! Happy birthday, buddy!

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