Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 2nd birthday, Caleb Luke!

How is it that my baby is two years old already? I can't believe that he's growing so fast. I can see him maturing every day. For example, we got his pictures taken this morning and he listened to every word the gal said, unlike the other times where he wanted nothing to do with the picture taker.
Since the boys were so good at Picture People, we went down to the playground area and the kids played and played. I chuckled as Caleb said 'hi' to everyone we passed along the way. People who are looking down or scowling look up and smile when a 2-year-old says "hello!" and waves his hand at them. Then when we left the play area to get our lunch, Caleb said goodbye to all the children that he saw on our way out "bye, buddy! bye-bye, buddy!" I giggled. He is so sweet.
When we were driving in the car, we sang along to "My God is so BIG, so strong & so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do!" and the boys did the hand motions. Then I put on their Mickey video at Caleb's request, and he answered the questions and sang along to it. His actions just show how much he is growing and processing now. When we got home, we read some books together and sang along to Thomas' Railway Rhythms (with 'Hail Hail the Gang's All Here,' 'Harold Flew Over the Mountain,' 'Good Night Thomas,' 'Here We Go Round the Railroad Track,' 'In & Out the Tunnel' and more). Then we pretended we were napping on the floor and we'd all wake up with "Good morning, good morning, good morning!" Soon it was time to tuck both boys in for their naps. I soon need to start getting ready for Bluke's party tonight.

More pictures and stories about Caleb to come! Happy birthday, my little love!

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