Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend, Where Did You Go?

This weekend was fast and slow... I couldn't wait for Sunday to come, and yet once it did, I missed the rest of the weekend. On Saturday, Shawn put up the trim in our powder room. When Caleb laid down for his morning nap, I was feeling frustrated (for reasons I'm going to leave off the blog for now) and where I normally would have eaten my sorrows away, it's not as enticing when you're on a mostly-veggies diet. So, I decided I would have to exercise (a much better option!). I put Joshua in the smaller stroller, and decided to see where a trail led near our house - as it turns out, the trail ends just about there, so I went the other way on it, taking a much longer jog than I had anticipated. I decided to do some interval training where I would sprint for a few minutes and walk for a few minutes. Joshua LOVED when I would run and when I stopped, he asked for more running. But, it was REALLY cold...he also asked for his hood to be put back up after he threw it off. When we got back into our development, he fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake him by running on the bumpy sidewalks so I walked that stretch, but it was nice to be outside. Soon spring will come, right?

Shawn worked and worked on Saturday, and I was so impressed! What a hottie! That night, he was exhausted and church was just the ticket to get us out of the house and have someone else take the kiddos for awhile. We also enjoyed the sermon on taking risk when God calls you to it.

Sunday I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I started doing my devotions and pretty soon the kids were up. We had a nice morning together as a family and then took an early nap together. That afternoon we went to the Dehart home for our small group "fireproofing" session. I'm so glad we joined a small group and are 'doing life together' with this set of friends in this season of life. We had a fun night out! When we came home, we cleaned up a little, did a little laundry and watched TV before putting the kids to bed. I am thankful to have my husband and children to spend my weekends with!

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