Sunday, March 8, 2009

Triangles, triangles everywhere!!!

Joshua's hair today was hysterical. I thought Joshua's hair was dry last night before he went to bed, but obviously it wasn't set because he woke up with it standing up everywhere. We laughed and laughed! One of my favorite things that Joshua does is mimmick the chant from Sesame Street "Triangles here...triangles there...triangles, triangles everywhere!" ...only he says "Triangles here...triangles HERE...triangles, triangles everywhere! Yeaaah, Joshua!" and claps wildly for himself. We giggle and giggle - there's no convincing him that the second phrase is "there." I have so many cute stories like that, but it's difficult to post about them when they happen and I often forget until they seem like 'old nature.' Then I think about them and realize that these are things we'll want to remember later when he's older. Shawn says he misses the cuddle time at night when Joshua would be sitting with Daddy, look up and say "night night, ok?" and that meant he was done for the day. Now we give him the two-minute warning and have a different established routine. Things may change, but we always have the precious memories! And we're always making new ones! We love our boys!

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