Friday, March 13, 2009

D is for Dadda!

The other day, Joshua picked the letter 'D' off our refridgerator door and said "D! D says dah!" I couldn't believe he actually had the letter 'D' and had picked it up out of the line up of the alphabet. I asked Daddy if he had worked with Joshua on this particular letter, and the answer was no. I asked Grandma, too, and she hadn't worked with Joshua on his letters either. So, it still baffles me as to how he's learning these random things. I think he soaks up more of what we say and what he sees than we realize! I was impressed!

Joshua also enjoys talking on his fake cell phone and often calls "Pa-paw" and says 'Hello!' talks briefly about his day and then says "Okay - 'bye!" However, if someone wants to talk to him on the real phone, he gets far too excited about what they are saying to have an actual conversation.

The Bean also cracked me up the other morning when Caleb accidentally crawled out of a larger pair of pants...he said "Oh no, Caleb! Your pants! Here you go [throwing his pants back on him] - you have to wear pants!" I laughed and laughed. Joshua is truly our helper. :)

Yesterday was a "No! MINE!" day for the Bean - UGH! My mom reminded me that if we wouldn't have had Caleb, Joshua would still seem pretty little to us. I think sometimes our expectations of him are a little too high...he is still a toddler after all! And a pretty amazing one at that!!!

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