Monday, March 16, 2009

I have a question...

My favorite new expression that Joshua says often is, "I have a question!" Sometimes he actually does ask something, and sometimes he doesn't. But, he lets us know he has a question. It's cute. When Joshua was "talking" on his phone yesterday, he exclaimed "Oh my gosh!" which cracked Daddy up since he says that the Bean is the spitting image of his momma personality-wise.We got a lot accomplished this weekend. We hung different curtains in our officce, we took out our old entertainment center and re-organized the laundry room (or at least started to) and Shawn better hooked up our TV downstairs, etc. But, my favorite moment was last night when Daddy & the boys were being silly as I was on the phone with Grandpa Georgia discussing real estate in his area. Once we hung up, I got to join in the fun happening on the first floor - Caleb & Joshua were chasing each other around the circle. Bean loved crawling with his brother and often said "Caleb, come get me!" They were both all smiles and all giggles. Soon Daddy & I joined in the action. I love the picture below with the boys trying to kiss him.On a side note, Shawn ran into a friend from high school when we were at Costco that afternoon. Justin couldn't believe that Shawn no longer played sports every night and wasn't involved in a million activities like he was...but I'm so grateful he's not. While I want Shawn to enjoy any activity he'd like to do (whether it's sports or hanging out with family or friends), I'm so glad that he makes our children a priority in his life. He is so great at coming home from work and playing with them and spending quality time as a family that I feel truly blessed. I married an amazing man of God!
After our play time, we changed into jammies and headed to the family room to enjoy some relaxation and the premier of the show "Kings" on NBC. We highly enjoyed it - we watched a modern day version of David fighting Goliath and his rise to become king. Caleb fell asleep after nursing and I was able to just sit back with my feet propped up and cuddle with him under the Mildred blanket. Since he's not much of a snuggle bug, I enjoyed this time. Shawn had the opportunity to cuddle with Joshua who brought a puzzle to work on and joined Daddy on the couch. But, he didn't do too much with his beloved puzzle and instead just enjoyed sitting with Daddy and curling up. It was a nice end to a nice family weekend.

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