Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bean Bath Routine

Daddy started a bath time routine that the Bean just loves. It cracks him up! Daddy was out tonight for Dad's Night Out with our small group guys, so Mommy bathed both boys by herself. It went well! We start off by saying "Joshua, are you ready for a bath?!?!" while the water is running, and he excitedly proclaims "YES!" and we say " can't get a bath with your [shirt] on...that's silly!" and then through to all the rest of his clothes and diaper. Recently, I've added: "Joshua, are you ready for a bath?" "YES!" "Noooo, you can't take a bath until you've sat on the potty!" Joshua actually had a little success with the potty over the weekend, but it actually scared him to death. I think he thought he did something wrong, and he cried and cried and cried. We both felt bad for the Bean. No matter how much we tried to praise him, it didn't work. I'm not sure what else to try and get the process started.Joshua loves bath time. It's so much easier than when he was really little. The water doesn't scare him, he loves to swim, and he understands when I say that I'm going to wash his hair or legs, etc.Pretty soon both boys were done with baths and into their airplane jammies (Caleb's are blue and borrowed from Aunt Jen; Joshua's are red and borrowed from Aunt Gayle). Joshua then brushes his teeth (I take over when he's finished to actually clean them - teeth brushing is also not a fun time for us), and then it was time to get ready for bed. Please keep Joshua in your prayers. He's really struggling to breath with this recent cold which he picked up over the weekend (Daddy is schnarky, too!). I had him at the pediatrician yesterday, but he's really really coughing a lot and feeling pretty miserable. He's also down a pound again from last week and refuses to eat. I can't wait for cold & flu season to be over!!! Pray that we all survive the last leg of winter!

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