Monday, March 30, 2009

Letters & Laughter

The other day a picture fell off Joshua's bookshelf in his room. The photo was him when he was three months old (roughly). He said "Mommy, the picture of Caleb fell down!" Too funny...there was no convincing him that that picture was actually him!Yesterday he was reading his "Brown Bear" book to himself. Each page has a different color and animal and says "Brown bear [red bird, gold fish, green frog, yellow duck, etc], what do you see?] When he flipped backwards and got to the title page, I thought he'd be stuck. Instead, without hesitation, he said "Letters, letters, what do you see?" Haaaa!!! He's a sharp cookie!He's really starting to learn his letters, too. Daddy drew a "J" on our sidewalk in chalk and said "what letter is this?" and Joshua replied "J!" Our neighbor was impressed (as were we). He also pointed to my NIKE shirt the other day and said "I" and to my new balance sneakers and said "N." He doesn't know them all, but he's a little sponge these days.This weekend was a great weekend, in my humble opinion. Shawn worked on our house more and we were really productive. I also got to go out with Suzanne on Saturday, which was a fun treat! Shawn left after I got back to go hang out with his brother Brian, so it was a nice trade-off. Last week I got to go out with my MOPS girls, and it was SO much fun! This group of gals make me laugh, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get to know other moms in this area.Caleb & Joshua both have colds again...please pray they feel better. We're planning on a playdate this Wednesday that I don't want to have to miss! Also keep my sister Jen in your prayers...she went to the ultrasound specialist that we always see (Dr. Bayliss) and he told her not only is she having a big baby, but her fluid levels are low so they will induce either tomorrow or Wednesday. She is 36 weeks, I think (maybe 35? I can't remember off-hand), so pray that the baby's lungs are developed enough and there are no complications. I'm looking forward to meeting my newest niece or nephew (secretly hoping for another boy for Caleb to play with...but we'll see!).

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