Monday, March 16, 2009

On the Mend

I think Caleb is starting to feel better. He still won't eat much and he's still got a runny nose and cough, but he's no longer vomitting, etc. and his fever is gone. His little face is so chapped, along with his nose from wiping it so much, but that too will heal in time.I think Caleb is starting to understand what we're saying somewhat. The other night I was rocking him in his room, and I said "night-night" before I even moved an inch to put him in his crib. He started to cry immediately. Daddy said he had a similar experience the night before. When I say "come," he often puts his arms up for me or starts to crawl toward me. I know he doesn't understand everything we're saying, but I'm seeing that he's getting more than I think we give him credit for.Shawn & I both agreed this weekend that Caleb is looking less like an infant and more like a baby. As he's standing up and participating more, this little guy is looking older each and every day.And while there's very few fits or outbursts from him, I think he's going to be more work in some ways than the Bean since he's quiet but curious. We took one toy away from him that he shouldn't have and then he crawled right over to the electric outlet that we had just uncovered to use. He's literally trying to explore and touch everything he can get his hands on!I love that my boys are different, though. Not only do they make life interesting, it shows me how we can be so different and how God still loves us equally. Shawn & I were doing our "fireproof" homework last night, and we were talking about God's love for each other. Then Shawn once again reminded me of God's sacrifice for us. We talked about how if we truly loved the other one like God loved us, would we be able to sacrifice one of our son's for the other person in a life-or-death situation? While we agreed that we would if we had to, we were both in tears and prayed that neither of our sons would experience harm in our lifetime. The conversation made us once again appreciate what Jesus did for us on the cross - may we never take it for granted!

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