Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Great Pictures

This morning I had an appointment at JCPenney's to get pictures taken of Joshua for his 2 1/2 year milestone. I woke up and wasn't sure I even wanted to go...last time we were there we had a horrendous experience. But, my 'smilesavers' card expires in April and I had a coupon for a free 8 x 10 plus either a $7.99 portrait package or $3.99 sheets and I took a survey to get $3 off my purchase price. I decided it was worth going and just told myself to expect the worst - that way I couldn't be disappointed.Actually, it was a fantastic experience! When I got there, the dimwit (or should I call her a window licker???) from last time started filling out my paperwork. But, two of my favorites (Audra and Stacy) were working, so I simply asked for one of them to take my photos. While this may have offended her, she said it was fine and Audra took me back. She did a GREAT job! Joshua just loved her and started smiling immediately. She put him in some great positions, and he beamed throughout the entire session. It was hard to choose which ones to get! And, while Caleb didn't smile and tried to crawl away, he wasn't terrified and we did get a couple cute ones of the two boys together.While last time I was there for hours (literally!), she told me that they got better at the digital camera experience and they no longer adjust pictures while you wait. Instead, they go through them with you and allow you to delete the ones that aren't good and enhance ones that you like, etc. I was in and out within a half an hour, which included ordering and paying. While I was browsing through the pictures, I was smart enough to take snacks for the boys. So they munched on Cheerios and gold fish and were quiet and happy the entire time. It was fantastic!Even though I got out so early, I called Shawn to see if he'd like to meet me for an early lunch to see the boys in their ties and vests. To my surprise, he said yes! He loved all the pictures, too, and told me I should have ordered more. I've been trying to save money wherever we can, so I kept my order to under $15 including tax, but that meant I didn't order half of the good ones I could have to share. They were soooo cute! I can't wait until I get the electronic copies in my inbox (which are too low resolution to print out, which I'm sure they do on purpose).Here's our rock-n-roll star! He LOVES these sunglasses from Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and wears them all the time! Caleb also likes them, and tries to get them as often as he possibly can reach them.
In the picture below, Joshua is trying to kiss Caleb. While it's blurry, I thought it was so sweet. There was a better professional picture of the Bean kissing his younger brother, but I didn't order it...too many other good ones!
I love my adorable boys! It's hard to get good pictures of them at home (mostly because they are on the move!) - especially when the background is the office/play room with all their toys. But I still enjoy taking them...Right now the three of us are playing and listening to music. I love to see my kiddos dance! I just downloaded "Live Free" by Lecrae from Amazon.com because I heard it last night on my way home from class, and it reminded me of Joshua so much, I laughed and laughed. When he gets excited and really has something to say he says "I-I-I [insert thought here]" and so does the song. If you have the opportunity to listen to it, I recommend it just so you hear the Bean in the chorus! Live free by His mercy & grace!A funny story to end the post with...well, at least funny to me & Joshua! As I was leaving the portrait studio today, it was cold. Really cold. Hold onto your coats and hats cold. So, I grabbed Caleb quickly and put him in the carseat and then got Joshua out of the stroller and went to put him in, but something didn't look right. Just then Joshua said "Caleb's in my seat!" It was true...they have the same car seat, but Caleb's is turned backwards (which is legally required until he turns a year old). In my rush to get out of the cold, I put Caleb in Joshua's carseat but Joshua's long legs wouldn't fit in Caleb's. We laughed at being silly as I switched the boys. Thankfully, Joshua can now climb into his seat himself and only needs a little bit of help with the buckle. He's such a big boy!Hope you enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

two good looking boys, and one silly billy boy :)