Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy 85-month birthday, Joshua!

Joshua turned 85-months old on Friday, October 18, the same day his pictures were taken at school.

I can't remember the exact date, so I'll post it on the blog under October. Joshua received his first love letter this fall. I almost would call it a love book for how long it was. One of the little girls in his class gave him a stapled book of pages that had hearts all over it. In it, she asked if she could play with other girls but said she was "over Abe" and also asked Joshua to "never break up with her." WHAT?!?! He's 7!!! I asked what "breaking up" meant to him, and he shrugged and said he didn't know.

But, he wanted to write her back. I asked him NOT to draw hearts on his note back as to not give the wrong impression to her parents (did her parents know she had made this for him? And what do parenting books say on love notes? I have no idea. The Bible isn't real specific on love notes for little ones either...). He said that she wasn't allowed to play with anyone else and that they would break up if someone else came along. It sounded mean, but he also had no idea what breaking up really meant. So, I talked with Shawn and we talked to him together. We snuggled in bed in our PJs and talked about how we want to be friends with everyone at this age. His little friend is free to play with whoever she wants and so is he. It's nice to have friends and be a good friend to everyone. It's okay to have special friends but we're kind to all. He agreed, and he wrote her a nicer note back.

Here is where I have to chuckle because I showed Shawn the love note (maybe I should have taken pictures of it?) and she had drawn a picture of what I'm assuming was the pickle ball 'station' that's on the playground near the slides. While she's an okay artist for this age, and I knew what it was, Shawn thought it looked like the male genitalia. He was HORRIFIED until I explained and then we both howled. I guess you had to be there....

Not two weeks later, Joshua got ANOTHER love note in his back pack. This was from a different little girl. It said "I love Justin Beaver" (note the misspelling - I thought that was SO stinkin' cute) and it went on to say "and I love Brayden and Joshua." I know the little boy Brayden in his classroom, and I thought it was funny to list multiple loves and then give the note to a person. But, it is first grade.

Oh my! Two love notes in a month. I don't think I'm ready for the teenage years yet!!! I want to stay calm and just be aware. I'm glad he shares things with us and I'm hoping this is an opportunity to keep communication open. Because while it doesn't necessarily matter now at this age, it will be important to have a solid relationship to talk when he's older.

I love my handsome little man! Happy 85-months, Joshua!

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