Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy 27-months, Ryan!

Ryan turned 27-months old on Sunday, September 7. He looks less and less like a baby and more and more like a little kid. And he's a funny little kid at that! He has such a ham-ball personality that constantly makes us laugh. He repeats everything and he's learning new vocabulary all the time. We are constantly giggling at the grandiose words he uses in the right context.
Ryan is starting to work on crafts as I do them with his big brothers. His may not look exactly like ours, but I love that he's trying and is able to sit still long enough to engage with an activity. He loves to sing and his new favorite thing is his class at Study & Share Tuesday mornings. He adores being able to go to his own "preschool class" and he has so much fun with the sweet little ol' ladies who serve faithfully each week in his room. They go to the gym and he eats a goldfish snack and they work on puzzles and have lots of toys to play with. And, I've found out, they also sing songs. I love to hear him sing. His voice is so precious!
Ryan loves books and loves being read to and rocked at night. He is all about being held these days, too. He no longer wants to walk but wants "UP!" all the time. It reminds me of myself when I was little (my poor mother!). But, I'll enjoy it for the last little while because as he gets bigger I won't be able to carry him AND he'll want down to be off and running with his friends. Happy 27-months, Ryan!

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