Monday, May 21, 2012

While Daddy's Away, the Boys & I Will Play

While Shawn was gone in Florida, the boys & I missed him like crazy but we still had a great time doing other things. My favorite part of the weekend was Saturday morning. First, I went to the 'Body Attack' class, which is my current favorite at the gym. It's all young, fit people and it's an intense cardio workout. I can't do all of it (if I'm being honest) but I can keep up with most and I feel great afterward. I'm working my way up to be able to do it with the other athletes that are there. For now, it's a challenge but a good one
After the gym, I came home for a super quick shower and then we went to the Manheim Township Public Library. They advertised an "almost summer" themed free children's event that morning, and since we've liked them in the past, I decided to register our family. I arrived a couple minutes late and the library lady that the boys enjoy greeted me and told me that we were the only family who registered so she was waiting for us. I thought that was GREAT! The room is small and I feared that Ryan crawling around might bother other families, but if we were the only ones there, the boys would still enjoy the stories and songs and Ryan could roam in the small carpeted room. Another family saw that the activity was going on and came in when we did - the mom had one little girl and seemed to enjoy watching Ryan cruise in this little kid-friendly area.  Another family joined in the middle of it and left before it was done (maybe seeing it going on while they were there to look at books and just checking it out for a little while).

The story time started with the usual story time dust (put on with a glittery wand to make the time seem more magical), and the typical songs about getting ready for story time by opening our ears and zipping our lips (in a fun, light-hearted way). The boys each got a "sit-upon" to sit upon, and they listened to the stories about summer. One was a family's adventure with their dog, one was about the wonderful things we eat during the summer, and one was about a road trip and what to pack. It was fun. Then, the librarian got the "shakey-shakes" out (or little musical eggs) and they sang about wiggling their waggles away. This particular woman does a fantastic job with including the kids as she's reading and is very expressive with the books. The boys also love the songs and things she does as well. Ryan really liked the egg shaker and was very sad to give it back when it was time to put it away.

After story time was over, we went out to the craft tables and made these little suns (pictured above) and took the flower craft home to complete another time since Ryan was about done. But, before we left, we picked out a couple books to borrow. We found a special "Froggy Rides His Bike" (the boys LOVE Froggy books!) about Froggy learning to ride his bike (so cute!) and "the Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. This one always makes me a little teary, so we only read it a few times.
When we were finished at the library, I called Mom and we decided to take the kids (she was watching Jen's boys that weekend while they went away) to the Sertoma Chicken BBQ at Long's Park. We just drove through and didn't stay to play while we ate, but the kids got to play with their cousins at her house after we had lunch. The chicken was super yummy! Joshua didn't want to leave when I said it was time to take Ryan home for his nap, so Mom said that I could leave him behind and pick him up after nap time. Caleb & Ryan came with me, though, so they could sleep.
My sister Becky called that afternoon and invited us out to "That Fish Place" and Isaacs for dinner. I debated and then agreed that the boys would enjoy seeing their cousins even though we had had a full day. Beck & Tim were watching Jen's girls while they were away with their Sunday School class. Here's a picture with Becky & the kiddos (minus Ryan) at That Fish Place. And here's baby Ryan in the cart. The store was a little annoying in that there are many places they don't allow carts. So, next time if I take a baby back there, I'll have to just take in my stroller. It wasn't a big deal to hold him either, but there are times that you need your hands for your other kiddos, too. :) :) :)
After looking at the pets and many species of fish, we went over to Isaacs next door. The kids did very well, I thought, and our service was excellent. I had taken a coupon for a free kids meal with adult purchase, and the server gave us two free kids meals with two adult purchases. Becky also offered to buy since she had invited us, which I thought was very nice. The boys had fun with their older cousins, and it was nice to catch up with Becky, who I don't see all that often.
On Sunday morning, Grandpa Georgia came with us to church at Calvary. He enjoyed it so much that he's been going back regularly, which I think is great. It took me awhile to get all the kids to their different classrooms (Shawn & I usually divide and conquer when it comes to drop off and pick up) and I got flustered in the parking lot (since it's SO busy and not very well done) but otherwise the morning went fine. That afternoon, we met Mom & the boys at Community Park and then went back to her house for burgers that they were grilling and salad I took along.
It had been a fun, full weekend, but I was SO glad to see Shawn when he got home after midnight that night. I'm extra thankful that I'm not a single mom. I'm also thankful that Shawn's extremely helpful and loving to his kiddos. We prayed that God would keep Daddy safe, and I have to give Him praise for answering that prayer. Shawn had fun with his family watching the different baseball games and seeing the water, etc. I'm glad he got to go, and I'm glad he came home! :) :) :)

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