Sunday, May 13, 2012

Daddy's birthday!

On Friday, May 11, the boys and I had a blast preparing for Shawn's birthday. First thing after breakfast, we created cards. The boys each picked out a birthday page from Caleb's Curious George coloring book that was birthday-themed. Caleb picked the present, and Joshua picked the cake. While I was helping baby Ryan, Joshua started writing on the bottom of his picture. He said "Frm Joshua to Dad" - I thought it was GREAT that he was spelling and writing by himself. I told him to put an "o" in the word "from" and we were in business. Then we cut the pictures out, and I ask the boys to sound out "Happy birthday" which they wrote themselves. Caleb signed his name as well as putting Daddy on the outside of his card.
I let them put stickers on the inside of the cards. I asked Joshua what he wanted to say to Daddy. I began "I like Daddy..." and he said "because he's nice to me and he plays Wii with me sometimes and he plays with me."
Caleb said "I like Daddy because he's my friend and my twin." Caleb was born just after Shawn's 30th birthday, so when was Daddy 33, Caleb was 3. Now that Daddy's turning 34, Caleb will soon be 4.
As the cards were drying, the boys helped me bake a cake for Shawn, which I had bought the day before during my errands.
The boys love to help in the kitchen, especially Caleb Luke. :)

After the caked was done baking, the boys & I headed to "Five Below" to pick out a gift for Daddy from them. They looked at everything in the store, originally thinking Daddy needed one of everything (even the pink football!). But eventually Joshua decided on a screen cleaner for Daddy's iPad that they like to play, and Caleb got him a headlight flashlight. While we were in the store, I also found little fishing nets like Joshua had loved at preschool the day before and bought them for the couple bucks they cost. The boys have had a blast with them! Ryan also took his sock off in the store and left it behind. :(
We got identical gift bags ready for Shawn - one from Caleb and the other from Joshua with their gifts and cards in them. That evening, I took the older boys to Mamaw's house before Shawn got out of work. This was their first time to spend the night there, and it sounds like they did fine. Since it was just us and Ryan, we headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Ryan was a bit screechy, but the music in there is relatively loud and we didn't stay too long. We enjoyed some time together after the baby was in bed.
The next morning, we went to a couple yard sales, drove around, and then we took Ryan to Mamaw's for her to watch him as well while we went to lunch outside at Tobias S. Frog. We were able to get the table right in front of the fire pit and water fall. The only issue was that we got sprayed with the water, but the atmosphere in the tiki tables & umbrellas was nice and our food was excellent.
Afterward we picked up the boys and came home. They were excited to give Daddy their gifts. :)

It was nice that Shawn's birthday was on a Saturday!

Shawn is so sweet to the boys. He's such a good Daddy!

Then they both asked to wear the headlight. We don't have a picture of Joshua in one since he was a baby!
Afterward we lit candles and enjoyed some birthday cake. 
Later that evening, Miranda came and we went out to dinner. Shawn said what he wanted for his birthday was some time with just me, so that's what I gave him (besides a couple other little cheesy gifts). We had dinner at another outdoor patio place and then we went to Barnes & Nobles to relax before heading home.
Happy birthday, Daddy! We love you!

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