Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy 11-months, Ryan!

On Monday, May 7, Ryan Josiah turned 11 months old. How could this be the last month my baby would be less than a year old? Where has this past year gone? I've been behind on blogging but with a third child comes more snuggle time, more feeding time, more playing time. Juggling between three of them is different than two - not worse, just different. In fact, it's better in many ways. I'm enjoying each moment, and if I don't get to write about it as often as I'd like, it's because I'm busy living it rather than reflecting on it. I wrote about each moment with Joshua because while he napped, I had me time. When baby Ryan naps, I take the opportunity to spend time with his older brothers who aren't sleeping. But, it doesn't mean that I love my little Ryan any less. I'm absolutely smitten by my littlest man. How grateful I am that God blessed our family with him!
I think it's sweet when he waves hello and goodbye. I love how he throws his hands up in the air when we ask him how big he is. When I say "I la-la-la-love you, Ryan" he'll reply back "La-la-la u" with a big grin. Hearing him talk in general (even without it being many actual words but more sounds slurred together) is music to my ears. With that said, my little buddy has found his screeching voice within this past month. This I don't love to hear. It's worse than nails on a chalkboard to me. It's a high-pitched almost scream when he's frustrated (particularly that he wants down out of his high chair OR he's ready for more food and I'm not being quick enough to give it to him). I remember Joshua going through the shrieking phase, so I know that this too shall pass. But, I'll be glad when he replaces the shrieking with a different form of communication. For now, it gets him what he wants because we can't stand to hear it!
Ryan is cruising now - not only pulling to standing but taking steps while holding onto railings and furniture. He doesn't get as much time to practice it as his brothers, though, I fear; our constant on-the-go schedule has meant that he's in and out of his car seat and stroller. But, hopefully the start of summer will help with that to some degree.
On his 11-month birthday, Ryan tried french toast for the first time. He seemed to like it somewhat, but he's a pickier eater than I remember my other boys being at this age (God help us!). He's not too keen on texture, and it takes him a couple times trying something until he's willing to grab at it with eager hands.
While you wouldn't know it from the above picture, Ryan is very easygoing. (Isn't that face just priceless? I couldn't resist getting a quick picture before picking him up - he was NOT into getting his picture taken that day, even with his adorable little outfit). Ryan doesn't get upset all that easily and when he does, he calms down quickly. He still loves to suck his thumb (either one will do) and he calms almost immediately. I don't remember ever putting him to bed fully asleep. He's so calm that I just lay him down and he rolls right over to his belly and falls asleep. He often has to "go along for the ride" when we go places, and he's been a fairly content and easy-to-please baby. Praise the Lord!
I love to watch him play. His favorite game is to roll the ball back and forth, and he's getting better and better at it. He can also destroy a room faster than any other kid I've ever met. He will knock every puzzle we own onto the floor from its cubby, pick up all the train pieces from the track and throw them down, and dig out every toy he can find just to toss it on the floor. At times I just watch the destruction in awe of how he's playing; at other times, I contain it and we try to focus on one game at a time. The boys say he's a "grabby little Schnook!" as he gets into things he can and can NOT. He's very curious and loves to get into wires beneath the computer and toys in his brothers' bags, etc. I'm just glad that he's happy, healthy and "normal." We are so in love with our little one. Joshua says "he's the bestest baby!" :) :) :)

Happy 11-months, Ryan Josiah! We love you!

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