Monday, May 21, 2012

Create Your Own Toothbrush

When we were shopping for toothbrushes, we saw these spinbrushes (the only kind I'll buy for kiddos since they are so much better for your teeth!) that you could decorate yourselves with stickers. After debating on them or ones with characters already on them, we decided on these. The boys were excited to decorate their own toothbrushes. I love the picture below because as we were getting ready to decorate the toothbrushes, look where Ryan is in the background. Yep, he's about to get into the trash can back there which he's standing up holding onto the lid. I had to put the camera down to go grab him, but he's smiling away back there getting into mischief! That's my boy!
 First, we opened the boxes and took out all the stickers. There were ones with letters for names (which I insisted we do first) and then ones to make your own theme, including cars, sports, dinosaurs, and more.
Joshua put the stickers for his name in order on his toothbrush. Caleb took the stickers off but needed a little help putting them on. Thereafter, they went to town covering their toothbrushes with some of all the themes. Why stop with one design when there's a bunch of your favorite things to cover the toothbrush with? They are so different than me! I would have picked one design (be it sports, bugs, cars, dinosaurs, etc) but they thought it was cooler to pick their favorite stickers from each sheet. And, since it was their toothbrush to design, why not?
I loved Joshua's smile and fingers pointing in this photo below. That is SO his expression!!! Can you tell he loves stickers and crafts?
 I got a few more pictures of them enjoying their time before seeing what Ryan was up to again. He loves to crawl around and open the pantry (taking the spices out and putting them on the floor, which are right as his level). He loves to pull out all my plastic containers and lids (which has helped me organize them!) and open all the drawers and doors he can reach. He enjoys exploring, which is part of this age, I know. :) :) :)
I took a picture of Caleb with his finished toothbrush. Then the boys WANTED to go brush their teeth with their new toothbrushes. Hurray! Normally I must insist on them brushing each time, but they were excited for their own uniquely designed toothbrushes. AWESOME!

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