Tuesday, May 8, 2012

El Cinco De Mayo

On Saturday, May 5, we got up early and went to the gym as a family. Then since Shawn & I hadn't eaten breakfast before going, we were starving and had printed a coupon to go out for lunch while Mamaw watched the boys, but the restaurant was closed for cleaning the patio. Since it was gorgeous outside, we had no desire to eat in anywhere else. So, we went home instead. Mom hadn't wanted to be gone more than an hour so we knew we didn't have a ton of time anyway. So, we ate some healthy cereal and went to the park with the kids. Along the way we stopped at a yard sale and bought two ugly chairs. :) :) :)
Shawn chose the Community Park in Manheim Township because there are shaded and non-shaded areas for Ryan and the boys. We started at the playground that was perfect for the older boys. It was out in the sunshine, but there was tons of things to do on it that weren't too young or too old for them. I even got on the slide to go down with them. :)
 Here they are climbing the rock wall.

They climbed up the various areas and and slid down the different slides and had a blast!
Eventually I suggested that we get Ryan out of the direct beating down sun, so we went to another couple areas there.
My little buddy was doing so well for how warm it was outside! Love that he's such a good boy!
The next area was more for babies and little little kids. We realized our boys are growing when they got bored quickly! But, I still got a couple pictures of them on the dinosaur before moving on!
The final playground area that we went to was a little too big for our kids. I showed the boys how to climb up this sneaky ladder to the slide. They both got it after I showed them to hold onto the middle and move their feet back and forth.
Joshua's major accomplishment for the day was learning how to climb across these "buttons" that move. I showed him and at first he was nervous, but eventually he got the hang of it and did it on his own. You'll see our little monkey Caleb climbing right up the wall next to him!
I loved Joshua's proud smile when he got across!!!
 We went home shortly thereafter for Ryan to nap before we went out to dinner as a family to El Rodeo to celebrate El Cinco De Mayo. I had something delicious on the menu, staying away from the combo meals that I often try and don't know what I'm getting. My something Cancun was excellent, and even Ryan tried rice for the first time and loved it! The older kids had chicken fingers and grilled cheese and liked the chips without the salsa. Shawn tried a Mexican beer, and I even got a margarita for the special occasion. They also gave us a coupon for a free sopapillas for dessert at the end. It had been fun, and the boys did really well out! Afterwards, we stopped for coffee at Starbucks since it was half price day. FUN!

When we got home, we played outside before bath time. It was just the most gorgeous day. We had had so much fun together as a family. Thank You, God, for the sunshine and each other!

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