Thursday, May 24, 2012

Road Trip to Philly

On Tuesday, May 15, I packed my kiddos in the minivan along with some Easy Mac 'n Cheese and we headed toward Philadelphia. I'm not typically the driver on longer excursions where I don't know where I'm going, but I had my directions and GPS ready to go. My good friend from college is going through a rough time these days - she has three young children (including a sweet little girl less than three months old!) and her husband left.

I told Shawn that I felt like I should offer to do something for her - would he be willing to help me watch six children? He said sure, but I wasn't sure how to make it work since she lives far away and works weekends. But, then as I was reading my devotions the one morning, the author talked about how kindness in the Bible is really love in action - moving on what we feel like God is telling us to do. My friend Suz called and said she also was feeling like she wishes there was some way she could help (we were all friends in college) and suggested that maybe she & I could watch all seven kids together. Whew! I said I was up for it if she was, and she threw out some dates immediately that might work.

At first our friend said she'd rather see us than have us watch her kids, but we insisted that she take some time to herself - wouldn't she like a massage, a pedicure, or even just time to run errands without having three kiddos along to "help?" She agreed that it sounded good since she doesn't get much of a break. So, she met another friend for coffee while Suz & I held down the fort. I thought it went relatively well. My boys LOVED playing with her oldest kiddo, and Joshua still asks about going back to his house. :) :) :) I also enjoyed spending time with Suz and all the kids.

By nap time, we were exhausted. I felt bad when my friend came back in tears, telling us how rough it has been. I just wanted to throw my arms around her, and yet what can I do to really help beyond pray? We do pray for her and the kids every night. When I left, I called Shawn and told him thank you for sticking with me all these years. I know that it would be easier to run for the hills some days, but I'm glad he's been faithful to our family!

We made it there, found parking, and drove home safely. We saw a major accident on the way home, and I praised God that it wasn't us. The boys were all very well behaved, and I thought the day went as well as it could have. :) The only thing I missed was getting some pictures - DOH!

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