Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish... No BLUE Fish (praise God!)

On Tuesday, May 29, Mom emailed and asked if we'd like to come swimming. While Caleb hadn't been feeling great, he seemed perky at the time so I asked him if he'd like to go swimming or not. He said "YES! I'd LOVE to!" So, I got all three boys covered in sunscreen (it was in the 90s that day), and in their swim trunks.
I thought Ryan looked SO cute in this swim outfit I was given for Joshua when he was a baby. But, my littlest man wanted NOTHING to do with his hat.
I put on my suit and we picked up Mamaw from her house. We drove up to the club house where there were a couple other families swimming with children who were similar ages. Joshua got right in and started swimming with the pool noodle. While he still has NO desire to get his head or face wet, he wasn't scared to get in the water or to swim. I'd say that's a HUGE improvement over other years. Ryan is a little fish. He LOVES the water. He wasn't scared at all and happily splashed away when mom or I would carry him into the water. He was happy to be soaked and doesn't mind getting his head wet (in fact, he'd prefer it to the hat).
Caleb would swim some with me, but he wanted to be held by Mamaw that day, so I held Ryan and she would take Caleb around while Joshua continued to swim away with his noodle. The temperature of the water was warm and delightful. We all enjoyed being in. Then we saw the big black storm cloud - the weather report had said severe thunder storm warning, and the wind began to blow as the 93 degree sun went behind the clouds. We knew it was soon time to get out. But, we had enjoyed the hour we had been in. One of mom's friends snapped a picture of all of us together. I thought taking three boys swimming went better than I was expecting.
Hopefully we can get Joshua & Caleb swim lessons this year. I don't expect them to learn all the different strokes, but I do want them to be safe in the water and not drown. I've had terrible dreams lately about them going in deep water and not being able to save them. I'd like the nightmares to stop and the boys to learn to swim.
We had fun, and we dropped Mamaw back at home before meeting Daddy right when he got out of work. We just got inside before the heavens opened and dumped rain down. We needed the rain, though, and it didn't last terribly long. The weather went from 90 and hot & humid to a more comfortable mid-80s. It's been beautiful! We love summer!

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