Friday, May 1, 2009

Sing for Joy!

Okay, so I know these pictures show Caleb unhappy, but how cute is his hair and his little cheeks and teeth? His hair sticks up like that when he has sunscreen in it, and I think he is so cute. Both my boys are adorable!

Today we're singing for joy because Caleb has primarily been 'normal' crawling rather than just army crawling, and he has done "so big" over and over again with his hands proudly in the air when we ask him. Today he also stood by himself for the first time, pushing up with his legs and nothing else. It's impressive how strong he is! He's been standing all by himself for longer periods of time, too. It astounds us.
Joshua also had two new 'firsts' today. This afternoon he said "Caleb, I love you" for the first time... it was soooo sweet and completely out of the blue! Second, for the first time ever, Joshua peed in the little potty. He told me after lunch that he had to go "poo-poo in his diaper." I threw Caleb in the crib and rushed Joshua to the potty. He was not interested in going there after much singing and hanging out in the bathroom (eventually I brought Caleb in with us). So, I put the little potty in our bedroom, stripped him down and told him to sit there until he was finished. I put a little Elmo on in the background in hopes that he would relax enough to go. He must have just had a 'tooter' (which he proclaims loudly) because he never did go, but he peed!!!! Hurray for the Bean!!!
Last night Shawn was showing Joshua how to stand to pee, and Joshua stood in front of his little potty, and looking down said "water, come out, water!" Haaaa!!! Today it actually happened, but I had him sitting. I'm thrilled! I'm hoping he gets the idea of what we're looking for because I know he can do it! Here's a picture of Joshua modeling his big boy underpants (which we're not ready to wear for a long time quite yet, but I'm trying to get him excited for what's to come!).

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