Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning, Caleb woke up before 6 am, but after I nursed him, he seemed to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, Joshua also woke up extremely early and didn't want to go back to sleep. I must have nodded back off because Shawn woke me up saying that we were running late to meet my Dad for breakfast, and he already had dressed both boys, given Joshua his prevacid, etc. What a great daddy! It was a fantastic start to my morning.When we came back from breakfast, I noticed the flowers and gifts on the table. We had promised each other no gifts but Shawn didn't live up to his end of our bargain. He blamed the boys getting me the gifts - yeah, right! So, I got a new blender (mine somehow broke, we found out when we tried to make frozen humming birds the other day, which taste like banana milkshakes only better). And, he got me fingerpaints to play with the Bean, which is something I've talked about picking up lately. The boys also helped him pick the flowers. Thank you, my precious boys, for making this Mother's Day so special to me - you are amazing gifts from God that make not only my day but also my year and my life. :)And Happy Mother's Day to our moms. We now have a better understanding of the sacrifices you made to raise us - or at least we understand a little more how much work we were from 0-2.5 years! We love you dearly and are glad you are part of our lives!MOM = WOW!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you had a great day! You look fantastic. Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks. :) Love, Suz