Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Superb Week

This week has been absolutely fantastic, other than the weather. Starting with Sunday, we hosted life group at our house. We bought a spread of lunch meat and cheeses, breads & rolls, lettuce, tomato 'n typical fixin's and the other group members brought the sides from veggies to fruit to baked beans and macaroni salad. I had also baked cupcakes for the occasion. It was our last session of the 'fireproofing your marriage' study. We have enjoyed these times spent with friends. While we had originally planned a cookout, the rain kept us indoors. Next time we are planning on meeting at Overlook Park to let the kids play outside.

Monday was my first 'summer' day, meaning I didn't have class. While I'm sorely going to miss the paycheck, I love that I get a break!

On Tuesday morning, we went to MOPS. The Lord held off the rain for us so we could get in and get out of the building without being soaked. Joshua still insisted on wearing his froggy rain coat that Aunt Erica bought him a long time ago; and he particularly likes the hood up. Hey, whatever keeps him happy! I had a great morning of seeing the gals - this is really a fun group of women! Even the leader of MOPS said she doesn't think any other group has 'gelled' the way our group has...I think that's God. I've needed this time with other mommas! And I'm so thankful for the nursery workers who care for our children while we're there. The ladybug crew has kept Caleb even through his separation tears and each time I come to get him, he has passed out in their arms. Ah, I could just kiss each one of these little sweet ol' grandmas!On Wednesday, Renee from our MOPS group invited us over to her new house for a playdate. She has a little boy a year or so older than Joshua and a little girl that's between Caleb & the Bean, so she has lots of great toys. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with Becca & Alayna, Margie & Henry & the little boy Adam she babysits, Liz & Grace & Carter, Beth & her daughter (who's name just escaped me!), and Renee & Nate & Lila (sp?). The kids were exhausted when we left and took a nice long nap once we got home.

Thursday morning, I met my friend Julie and her two kids Jude & Kate for breakfast at Oregon Dairy. Both my children did so well. I hate to say that I was proud of them because I think pride is a terrible thing in general - but I was thankful to God for their amazing behavior. They both sat nicely and ate well and did a great job! There, Caleb ate pancakes and scrambled eggs and his entire jar of food and cheerios. I think he would have kept going and going and going! I'm amazed at what he's eating these days...definitely making up for lost time! Joshua also ate well, eating an entire side order of bacon, a donut and half a pancake and milk. Afterward, we went to the playground next to the restaurant, and again both kids did amazingly well. Joshua listened and went down the slide nicely and took turns. They were soooo well behaved! I called Daddy on the way home to tell him how amazing our little boys are. That was the best Mother's Day gift they could have given me!

Thursday was National Day of Prayer, and Beth Moore was the speaker at Long's Park. So, I invited all the moms from MOPS & our small group to go together to see her - whoever wanted to risk the weather (which ended up being gorgeous even though they had originally been calling for rain, rain and more rain!). It ended up being a small group: Liz, Renee, Renee's mom, Amy and me. Renee said she was bringing a soccer-mom chair to sit on instead of blankets since the ground was so wet. I, unfortunately, don't have a single beach chair low-to-the-ground like that. So, I asked if anyone had an extra. They all brought one! I can't believe how sweet these girls are. Amy ended up bringing a double-seater that we shared. :) I enjoyed hanging out with these girls once again, and Beth Moore did an excellent job speaking to the crowd. As we were leaving, we saw a little boy who had lost his parents. Another couple was helping him, but they were standing there helpless in the crowds that were leaving. I went up to the adults and suggested the tents toward the front since they are easy to spot and the workers are stationed there who can make an announcement. After I left (I was in a hurry to get home to feed Caleb & put him to bed), I was still feeling terrible for not doing more. Was this little boy in competent hands? I wasn't so sure... Then, I thought to myself "duh! I used to work for the people hosting this event!" So, I called my former co-worker Kelley and asked if she was still there working, which thankfully she was! She said she'd go to the tents and find this little boy and make sure to announce so his parents could find him. I felt much better then.Friday night, we had already scheduled a girls night out for our moms from life group. It had been a busy week, but Shawn is so gracious about letting me go since he knows I go stir crazy inside all the time. Actually, Friday was a nice day out, so I had spent much of the day outside playing with the boys. We went for a nice long walk and then played in the driveway until nap time, etc. After Daddy got home, I got ready and headed to JB Dawson's at Park City and enjoyed feasting on salad & potato soup and chatting with Lisa, Angie, Becca & Melanie. Once again by the time I got home both kids were 'done' and I helped get them settled and in bed.

It was an amazing week, and I am so thankful for a husband who encourages me to get out with friends and enjoy my time at home with the boys. I'm also thankful for two amazing children who are so sweet and well-behaved for the most part. It has been a treasure to see Joshua grow and learn and become more accustomed to getting out and about; and it has been amazing seeing how sweet & easygoing Caleb has been even though he's into everything. Furthermore, I'm thankful for new friends and other women of God with kids at the same life stage as mine. I am a blessed woman!

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