Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Firsts for Both Boys

I feel like I can barely keep up with my kids and blogging! On Wednesday, we met a couple friends from MOPS (Beth & Becca and their girls) at Long's Park. The wooden area there kept giving me a heart attack since Joshua was hard to see in the maze and I couldn't keep up with having Caleb, etc. When Becca arrived, we went to the smaller playground where Joshua could run and I could see him okay and I felt MUCH better. He had a great time!Today we took the Bean over the playground behind our house, and when he went to climb up the bars (similar to the picture above only less of a rung and a little steeper), I said "Hey, Joshua, those aren't for little guys." Shawn said, "no, let him go - he can do this!" And lo and behold, Joshua climbed up them, went to the tallest slide on the playground and slid down. I couldn't believe it. Those little bars looked so dangerous to me that I nearly had a heart attack, and Joshua was just fine. My, how big Joshua seems these days with little Caleb Luke! On the other hand, yesterday as I was giving the Bean a bath by himself (I bathed both boys individually since Shawn wasn't here) and wrapped him in a towel, he looked awfully small again to me. I realize that we would consider him to be a baby if we wouldn't have had another little guy. He seems so grown up with his talk and attitude, and yet he's really just a fragile and sweet little two-year-old.Caleb has also been shocking me lately with things he can do. Yesterday, after he was done nursing, he pulled the blanket from our bed over his face. I said "where's Caleb?" and he threw it off to which I said "peekaboo!" And he did it again and again on cue. I couldn't believe he could play peekaboo by himself! He definitely understands what we're saying now. He also can pucker and smack his lips together when we ask him for a kiss.When I was working out on Thursday (it rained and rained here that day!), I had put on a CD of some random music that Daddy had burned for me. Caleb went wild over the song "holla'back girl" by Gwen Stefani, dancing away and flapping his arms and bobbing, which cracked me up! He's been standing for longer periods by himself, unassisted, and I rarely see the army crawl anymore. He prefers on his knees now. He also is walking more with the walker toy. Hopefully he'll be taking real steps soon!He also loves to play with whatever Joshua has and is an instigator. He can definitely press the Bean's buttons, and yet I see an amazing amount of patience from Joshua at times where he continues to show love to his little brother and friend.On Thursday, I called Shawn to say that I was just feeling a little gloomy with the rainy weather and not getting outside. The day before I had been at Long's Park all morning and then my sister called to say that she needed to be out of her house for a showing, so we ate lunch together at Stoner Park and played some more. Then after naptime, we went back outside and played in the yard and in the garage, etc. It had been gorgeous, only to turn around and be yucky again. I was feeling cabin fever, and Shawn said he was also having a yucky day. After I got off the phone with him, I said to Joshua, "Let's pray for Daddy to have a better day at work." Right then, Joshua said "Dear God, help Dad-da. AMEN!" It melted my heart...I can't imagine how God must feel after that little prayer. It makes me think that He hears and feels compassionately about us and all our prayers. One of the verses in my Bibly study this week was Daniel 9:23. Daniel had been praying and interceding for Israel, his home town, and Gabriel the angel came and met him in person and said, "As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed..." Just imagine meeting a heavenly angel in the middle of your praying and hearing that the minute the prayer was started an answer was given. Daniel didn't see the complete fulfillment of the answer, but God made a decision and acted in His perfect timing. From scripture we can realize that God answers our prayers...even small prayers to help Daddy at work!

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