Wednesday, May 13, 2009

8 Teeth

Today at Long's Park, I felt Caleb's 8th tooth. It's on his upper left side next to his two front teeth (or your right if you're looking at him).
Beyond teeth, we've noticed lots of changes in our Caleb Luke these days. For example, he now knows how to roll the ball back and forth. Tonight Shawn helped friends of ours move an entertainment center, and while he was gone, Joshua, Caleb & I rolled the ball back and forth. Joshua would roll it to me, then I would roll it to Caleb, and then Caleb would roll it to Joshua. It was adorable to watch! Joshua would say "thank you, Caleb Luke" and "good job, Caleb!"
Caleb also is understanding more and more of what we say. The other day, he put a fridge magnet up and I said "good job!" and he began to clap for himself on cue (normally I clap when I tell them that they've done well. He is understanding more of our vocabulary, and I think he's starting to say some words. The other morning when we were at breakfast, it sounded like he said "this" as he was pointing. Only time will tell! He's getting so big so fast!

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