Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy 10-month birthday, Caleb Luke

Caleb still weighs 19 lbs 11 oz, but he is eating really well now. He will eat almost anything we give him, including scrambled eggs and pancakes yesterday. He's eating baby food in jars (although he didn't like macaroni 'n cheese or chicken & stars) and almost anything else we put on his tray from our plate (except for bananas and cheese). He seems to like meat and carbs the best! Caleb is doing more 'normal' crawling (as you can see in the picture above where his belly is off the ground), and he will stand for fairly long periods of time not holding onto anything. He also cruises all over the place while holding onto things and has taken some steps in between pieces of furniture where he lets go of one and then grabs the other one fairly quickly. I really thought he'd be walking by now, but I don't think it will be too long!
This guy LOVES to explore and get into things. He keeps us on the move! But, he's also very sweet and pretty easygoing. We see more stubbornness shining through him as we redirect his play at times and he goes back to what he was into before.As I was reading to him yesterday, he was mimmicking the sounds. I said the cow says "mooo" and he said 'ma-ma-ma' and I said the sheep says "baaaa" and he said "ba-ba-ba" and moves his tongue when we do, etc. He's definitely gibbering more in general, too. And, we're amazed at how smart he is when he watches Joshua do something and figures out how to do it himself - like climbing to fall backwards on the bed. He is really a sponge these days!Caleb is not too fond of his blanket yet and so the adjustment from the missing bumper continues, but overall he's doing well with sleeping overnight. He also slept in the stroller on my walk this morning. In general, Caleb's smile and loving sweetness have won over our hearts. He & Joshua get along really well, and we're so grateful for Caleb Luke in our family! Happy 10-month birthday!

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