Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blowing Kisses

Caleb started waving hi & bye. I can't remember if I posted that or not, but he's been doing it consistently now for the last week or so. Even when we say hi or bye, he waves his hand. He waved bye to my friend Julie & her kids, and Kate blew us kisses. I wasn't sure what age that kids start blowing kisses (I stopped reading the 'intro' books since I'm now onto older development books). So, I decided to see if Caleb could blow kisses. Sure enough, now when we ask him to blow kisses, he puts his hand over his lips and smacks his lips together for a kiss. He doesn't quite wave it on yet, but I know that will come. He also loves to play patty cake, even though he doesn't quite "roll it", he gets most of the other motions. I love watching my babies grow!
Joshua's cutest new word is "flip flops." I need to go buy him a pair of crocs for this summer since he outgrew his beloved green ones from last year. Here are pictures of Caleb, showing his intense concentration and determination to get the soccer ball.

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