Monday, May 4, 2009

And the Doctor Said...

NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPIN' ON THE BED!Like big brother, like little brother. Joshua LOVES to jump onto Mommy & Daddy's bed and shout "no more monkeys jumpin' on the bed." Daddy taught the Bean not to jump but instead to lean back and land on the bed, which drives me nuts! He's technically not jumping, but I still fear for his safety. Daddy says I must relax and let them be boys. Well, Caleb now climbs up with the help of our headboard and lets go to land on the bed, just like his big brother. Daddy laughed and laughed...UGH! Momma agrees with the doctor and says "no more monkeys jumpin' on the bed!" Silly boys!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ugh, Ben does the same thing and Don says the same thing! :~ Ben has fallen off the bed once already. The good thing lately is taht he is finally turning himself around and getting off the bed feet first, rather than head first. :~ Boys!