Friday, May 8, 2009

Threading a Snake

One thing that the Early Intervention questionnaires have asked is "can he thread small beads on a string?" We always answer 'no' because we never gave him the opportunity to try. Then in my family fun magazine, I saw pretty 'homemade bracelets' with fruit loops on a string of licorice. So, I tried this 'game' with some cheap stuff from Sharp Shopper that Daddy grabbed with us. Unfortunately, with my first attempt, Joshua wanted to eat all the sugary stuff until I finally shooed him away from the table.But the next night, Daddy tried it and called it a 'snake' rather than a bracelet and told Joshua he could only eat the green fruit loops (and then Daddy didn't give him green ones).Joshua had success and liked 'making the snake with cheerios.' Haaa! I enjoyed the game again the next morning with the Bean. It is pretty hard work for him, but I was impressed with his determination. I took a few videos, and here is one for your enjoyment.

Great job, Joshua!

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