Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sad to Say Goodbye - Day Four

We left around 7ish on Sunday night to try and catch the sunset at the end of the pier. (We had went to the pier the first day on the other side, I forgot to mention, and it was interesting to watch people fish and catch their bait!). We got to Venice Beach just as the sun was dipping toward the water. Erica offered to stay in the car with the sleeping boys, and Shawn & I sprinted toward the sunset, along with Grandma & Grandpa. We saw it set on the way to the jetty. But, both Shawn & I said this was one of the best parts of our trip. We walked hand in hand and saw lots of other couples enjoying the view. One was a couple that looked to be in their 80s or 90s in lawn chairs, holding an older-than-time radio which was playing oldies music. They were cuddled up in a blanket holding hands listening to music. How neat! I pray we're like that couple - always in love. We watched as people continued to fish and others spotted dolphins and manatees. We also got some neat pictures.That night, the Ginder family dropped us off at the room and played with the kiddos (swimming had been done earlier in the day before dinner). Caleb cooed and smiled at Grandma & Grandpa.
Joshua had a fun time playing with Erica and Grandpa, too. The room was filled with laughter.
Monday morning, we packed our things, checked out and headed to Bob Evans for a big hearty breakfast. Afterward, us gals went shopping at Bells, a department store in their mall that was having a big sale, while the boys played in the playground in the center of the mall. We headed back to their house to grab our stuff, and they took us to the airport. Once again the boys did well on the plane, and we were happy to have had a safe, fun trip. Hopefully we'll be able to do even more next time we come down! Thanks again, Grandma & Grandpa Ginder, for the fun times and memories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the 18 mil home may be a little high at this time but it does not hurt or cost to look :). It was enjoyable in having you all down to visit and we enjoyed our time together, and look forward to another visit soon.