Thursday, September 18, 2008

Birthday Fun

This morning Joshua woke up with a cough, which we're praying goes away. I think he's just feeling run down from the trip. Instead of taking him to Bible study, I dropped him off to play with his cousins at Aunt Jen's house. He was so excited! He said, "Hi, Aunt Jen!" as we pulled up to her driveway.
I picked him up and we ate pizza for lunch (he ate very little) and his favorite, "fLench flies." After I fed Caleb, it was time for naps. Joshua crawled in bed with me and we snuggled during his naptime - I think that was even more of a treat for him than his lunch.
When he woke up, we played with Caleb beside us. Joshua knows the difference between an oval and circle, and he enjoyed putting his shapes in the sorter. He also enjoyed doing patty cake and would say it along with me. He kept asking for the "quack quack" song, which I must ask Nonie to teach me so I can sing it to him. I made up a "night night" song about his blankey, and he LOVES it and also asks for it constantly.
When Daddy got home, we all went to the park, he opened his gift from us, and we played a little while until it was bed time. We read his favorite "Kiss Good Night" book as usual (I play the role of Sam the Bear and Momma Bear and Daddy narrates). Joshua has started saying parts of it, too, like making the wind noises and the rain noises and points to his chin and toes at the right parts before the book mentions it, etc. It's interesting how much he's learned in two short years! More birthday stories to come!

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