Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Little Two Year Old

Two years have gone by already...some days it seems like Joshua is MUCH older than two. Other days, it feels like I've blinked and the first two years have passed. I remember his first smiles, the first time he laughed, the first time he rolled over, the first time he ate solid food, when he started to crawl, when he started to walk, when he started to walk down stairs, when he started to really speak and so many other firsts. Yet, so many things are quickly forgotten as he changes and grows into the little boy God has destined him to be. He is speaking in more two-to-three word "sentences" these days. The other day he came in and said "Hi, Mommy, Dad-da, Baby!" and was looking at pictures with us and said "Is this Ma-maw, is this Pa-paw, is this Air-ca?" Whenever he sees the sun, he says "hot!" even if it's chilly out. I think he means "bright." He loves the "goose" or garage door opener, and I finally figured out that the reason he calls it that is because I say "there it GOES" and he repeats "goose." Now, when Shawn & I need the garage door opener, we call it the goose.
Joshua makes me laugh on a daily basis. He is definitely an emotional kid, wearing his emotions on his sleeve. When he's happy, the entire world seems to sing. When he's sad, our hearts break. When he's angry, we feel upset. There is nothing better than his giggle. And, I love it when he talks and sings. These are moments that I treasure. He still wants "up" and to be held, too, which at times with Caleb makes me struggle. But, I still love it because I love him so very much.
Joshua is very much Daddy's boy. He loves to wrestle and loves to be around Daddy, helping him in whatever way he can. Daddy loves his oldest son so much...the bond between them is so special. But, there are still moments like tonight where Joshua asks for Mommy to put him to bed or rock him. These are moments that melt my heart. He is truly a caring little boy.
Joshua, I am thrilled to have you in our family. I'm learning so much through the "Breaking Free" Bible study, and one thing I've seen over and over again is how much parents influence their children, even to the point of being held captive later in life. My prayer is that you would be set free from these things even now...that God would make us holy parents and that you would be dedicated to him always. May you always walk in His ways, medidate on His word, love His laws, obey His commands, and experience true joy and fullness of life. We love you so much and want what's best for you! Happy 2nd birthday, my little love!

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