Monday, September 22, 2008

Ready to Go!

On Friday morning, Joshua had his two-year well check-up with Dr. Ammons. His stats were the following:

Height: 34.75" (55%)
Weight: 26 lbs 9 oz (30%)
Head Circumference: 19.25" (55%)

She also heard him wheezing and recommended breathing treatments (although she said other kids should be fine around him and said it was still okay to have the party). I'm also going to give him vitamins daily since he doesn't eat much, and I'm going to look for a pediatric dentist to check all his pearly whites. He's got a new recent addition to his teeth - one two-year molar has pushed through. Only three more to go! Everything else seemed normal, but because of his asthma, he didn't get the flu shot and we'll go back in October for it.This morning then, he had his follow-up appointment with Dr. Devenyi for his reflux. Dr. Devenyi's office said his weight was relatively close to Friday's assessment (he was 26 lbs 1 oz), but the height was way different. They had him at 39.75" - I doubt he grew four inches over the weekend, but I wonder which one is right and which one is wrong. Dr. Devenyi said that this put him in the 85th to 90th percentile for height. (So we just discovered he's tall!) They are going to keep him on the prevacid through the winter - especially since he has reactive airway disorder - and they'll see him back in six months to see how he's doing.Dr. Devenyi scared me, though, in listening to his breathing, he said his right lung sounds wheezy and 'crackly.' He asked me if he had pneumonia. No! Then he said that he should be seen by the pediatrician again within a week to make sure that his lungs sound okay. I called immediately, and we're going back in tomorrow. Why wait a week? Please pray for the Bean!Joshua is so adorable and has said some pretty funny things lately. While I can't write about all of them, here are a few that amused us this weekend. He loves to snuggle with us in bed (ugh) which we've tried to put an end to but allowed on his birthday. So, when Shawn put him to bed Sunday night, we came back up and found him all cozied in between our pillows waiting for us. Silly Bean!

One of our neighbors gave us "Wally the Whale," and this little pool filled up with water the last time it rained. Yesterday before Daddy dumped it, we noticed leaves floating in it and Joshua kept telling us he saw "fish" in his pool. We cracked up! We've been giving him breathing treatments for his wheezing, and yesterday morning he told us that the mask was "stinky" after smelling it. He also saw the bumbo and proclaimed "potty!" (and, horrified, I tried to explain to him with little success that this little purple seat is NOT a potty). The list goes on and on. The connections he makes are hysterical.On Sunday morning, Daddy went to get a shower while I was feeding the baby. Normally, Joshua excitedly follows to watch Daddy put in his shampoo (which Joshua mimicks to the T, rubbing his hands together first and then wildly thrusting it through his hair). However, on Sunday, Shawn showered alone. When Caleb was finished on one side, I decided to go look for the Bean, and oh, did I find him. He had gotten his stool out of his bedroom, taken it into the office, climbed up to the desk and gotten my camera that we had taken pictures with all weekend. He was happily snapping away! I scolded him for having the camera, but I didn't realize he had taken pictures until I downloaded other ones today. There were a ton from this little guy, and the above picture is a demonstration of the quality we got. Notice not only his finger, but he was caught red-handed by his hair peaking through the top of the photo. He wasn't doing one of his favorite activities because he took the opportunity to do something he would normally not be allowed to do - he is really testing our boundaries right now. But, he knew the second I walked in the door to put down the camera. Oh, my little boy! Sometimes you just have to laugh; others, you just have to walk him to the time-out mat. :) :) :)

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Great post! The camera story...crack up! Loved that picture. And, Jude used to have that same sweater he is wearing in the first pictures. Makes me miss my "little" boy!!!