Monday, September 22, 2008

Little Caleb Luke

I think Caleb is changing looks by the day. He is such a precious little boy! On Thursday when I went to Bible study, the one gal told me that he was the best baby in the entire room. (Please pray, if you think of it, for more nursery workers. I'm really debating on whether or not to go back because of the lack of help, even though I'm learning a ton...) Then Saturday night at church, he slept the entire time and again the women oohed and awwed at how cute he was and how nicely he slept even amidst the wails of the other children. Caleb is so easy going and always has a smile close to his lips. I think he started laughing this weekend. He squeels with delight and gibbers away with all sorts of noises that make me smile. He also blows bubbles a lot.

When Caleb was at the doctor on 9/10/08 for his two month well-check, his stats were the following:

Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz (70%) Length: 24 in (65%) Head Circumference: 15.5 in (35%) My little Caleb Luke is a big fellow! :)