Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Big Bucks!

Joshua pointed to all the 'motorized vehicles' in his books and calls them by name. He said 'car,' 'boat,' 'choo-choo,' 'AIRPLANE!' and then "buck" for "truck." I'm glad that's what he calls them, too, because I've heard truck's mispronounced much worse!
Yesterday, Joshua said "Ma-maw?" then thought about it and said "Ma-maw at work!" When we got into the car to pick up my friend Jen for work, he said "french fries...I so funny!" remembering that he cracked us up days before with that very expression. He's a little sponge these days.
Joshua remembers more songs than just "Jesus Loves Me," too. Yesterday he said "More helper song?" Nonie had watched the boys the day before while I got ready and left for school, and she sings him the 'helper' song. I asked, "what helper song?" and he instantly replied "Nonie!" So, I sang the two or three lines I remembered, and he jumped right in. Mom said to me that she thinks he's going to be really super sharp like Faith, which I took as a huge compliment. I think he's smart, too.
This post is also titled "Go Big Bucks!" because last night we went to a football game at my alma-mater, Conestoga Valley where the Buckskins were unfortunately crushed by the visiting team. We were invited to go by my friend Jen and met up with her & her husband Ryan (pictured below - you'd never know she had brain surgery just a few short months ago!), her parents Jim & Julie Waldron (who I just love and have looked up to since I was young) and her twin sister Jess & her husband Tim and their three girls. Jess is having her fourth child, a son, this coming Friday. While we were at the game, we dropped Joshua off to play with Emma at Grandma's house. He had much more fun that way than walking through the crowds or trying to sit still on the bleachers. Caleb, on the other hand, was an angel as I wore him in the snuggli. So, last night was his first ever football game! We had a fun time catching up before leaving at half-time since it was time for Caleb to eat. I can't believe it's been 10 years since I graduated! It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but everyone there did seem really young to me. So, I guess I'm getting old.

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