Monday, September 29, 2008

Joshua Highlights

Joshua...just saying his name makes me smile, and shake my head. He keeps us laughing and on our toes all at the same time! On Saturday morning, he played the 'ABC' song on his Phonics Radio, and Shawn & I were literally shocked when he started to sing along. He said over half the alphabet at the right time. The song we've been singing lately is "this little light of mine" and I LOVE how he does the hand motions along with it!
On Saturday, it poured so we decided to stay home the entire day. When Shawn was out re-organizing the garage, he opened the door for the fresh air. Before he knew it, Joshua was running out in the downpour, yelling in delight, "ALL WET!" That night when he came in, Daddy gave him a bath, and he was "swimming" the entire time. It was cute to listen to. I also bathed Caleb that evening.
Joshua has had his cousin Daniel on the brain for some reason. He has been asking about him, and I didn't think too much about it at first. But then he said "and Emma" to let me know that he really meant that he wanted to see Daniel. When we passed Aunt Jen's house today, he said "More Jen...More Daniel!" And last night when Grandma watched him so Shawn & I could go to a LifeGroup Link, they sang "Yes, Jesus Loves..." and filled in different names, often coming back to Dan-man. I'm glad he loves his cousin. It's neat-o that they should be in school together.
Yesterday, Joshua joined me as I was playing piano. He does this often, but it is heartwarming everytime he climbs up with me. He loves it! This morning while I was trying to ride the exercise bike, well, that was a different story. He loves the bike, but it doesn't work out too well when he tries to climb on along.
Last night as I was feeding Caleb, Joshua climbed up onto the couch with me (we were watching the end of the Redskins game that we had recorded with our TiVo). Then he asked Daddy for an animal cracker. Shawn tossed one at him, and it hit the Bean in the forehead. Joshua cracked up. He laughed so hard that we joined in. He's so funny!

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