Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All Wet!

Yesterday was the first day of the one mom's group I wanted to try. Again, I was unimpressed (to say the least). I am trying another one this coming Tuesday, and since they meet at the same time, if this one is at all better, I'll probably stick with it. Please God, let there be one that we like! Joshua cried the whole time in his class, which is unusual for him. (He also woke up at 4 am that morning for some reason and couldn't seem to get back to sleep.) So, I won't completely write it off without trying again sometime, but I'm not sold on that group either. On a side note, the nursery workers said Caleb was an angel...typical for him! I'm so blessed by how easygoing he is.We were absolutely soaked on the way there. It poured and poured and stormed yesterday morning. Joshua was wearing his froggy rain coat, and kept telling me he was "all wet" and asking for a towel. Then when we passed a farm near my mom's house, he asked "where moo cows?" because they weren't out in the rain. I was impressed that he knew they were typically there and weren't on this particular morning.Yesterday afternoon, Aunt Missy came over to play. Joshua loved spending time with her. He told her some of the pictures in his one book and we laughed at some of the adorable pronunciations. She also called Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and long after she left, he continued to say "I'll get you!" on occasion, especially when Shawn & I would giggle. He loves to be a ham! Thanks for coming to play, Aunt Missy!

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