Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Week(end) of Worship

This past week was a busy week. Last Wednesday night while I was at class, Shawn took Joshua to church since the worship conference started with the youth edition and he was needed to supervise the A/V equipment. Thursday night, Derek took a turn upstairs, so I went to the conference by myself. However, I left after worship to go home and get some rest...then Friday I woke up feeling sick. I had terrible stomach cramps and feared what was going on, but that night I started feeling better so I went with Shawn to the conference again while Grandma watched Joshua (thanks, Mom!) along with Emma & Daniel at Jen's house since they had plans. Shawn was in charge of doing the A/V, so I helped him determine what song the worship leader was doing. At one point Stephen Jenks from Eagles Wings was finishing up a song, and I said to Shawn that I thought he'd do Revelation Song next. Shawn got it ready, but they were still in the wrong key and at a different tempo. But, soon he started slowing down as a gal read a scripture verse and I heard him change the key. I said, "I'm almost sure" so Shawn put it on the screen! I said "Wait!!!!" but just at that moment, Stephen started singing it with "Worth is the lamb who was slain, holy holy is He..." Shawn laughed and told me I could name that tune in less than one note. I told him we make a good team. :) :) :) We left early that night to make sure we were back to rescue Grandma at the same time Jen & Mike were to be home, but we were thankful that Joshua could play and have fun with his cousins.

Saturday morning we got a familiar call about doing breakfast with Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and Aunt Erica...only this time Shawn said no since he wasn't ready and they were almost there. So, we had supper with them instead. Afterward we hung out in their hotel room at Country Inn & Suites, and Joshua enjoyed sitting on the little stool in their room. Thankfully, another A/V member volunteered to take over that night for Shawn, so later we went out for "ice cream" with Aunt Missy & Uncle Kevin. Uncle Kevin used straws as drum sticks, and Joshua thought it was hysterical. He laughed and laughed every time Kevin would drum. Sooo cute!

Sunday morning, Shawn was upstairs again for A/V team responsibilities, but this time I sat on the main level with the Bean. He played with Austin (or rather took his toys) and shared his snacks (or Joshua ate all his Cheerios...but Austin didn't seem to mind, he just ate Joshua's) and then went down to the nursery for the service. He actually made it the entire way through! And, the sermon was really good on "Find Your Boat and Get Out of It." During the service, Pastor Mark prayed for everyone's tummies and said there's a stomach virus going around that has drastically affected Water Street Rescue Mission, etc. Afterward, I felt a lot better. The achiness that I had felt off and on since it made me double over on Friday went away.

I watched Jen's kiddos on Monday morning. Faith told me that she wants me to have a girl baby this time. I told her she better talk to God about it. :) We watched a Veggie Tales video in the background as we played, "Joshua & the Great Wall." The lesson was on obedience and doing things God's way, even when His way doesn't make sense to us. Junior Asparagus said that it wouldn't have made sense to cross the Red Sea, but then God parted the water; it wouldn't make sense for the Israelites to live in the dessert where there was no food, but then God provided manna from heaven; and it definitely wouldn't make sense to circle a wall seven days in a row and blow trumpets, but God delivered Jericho into their hands. So, if He tells us to do something, we should be obedient because He will take care of the rest. I felt like I learned something that's so neat how God speaks through even the little things in our lives. Then that evening Joshua & I came down with a cold...Jen & Mom both have it, too. Yuck! Pray that we feel better before Joshua's surgery on Tuesday!

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