Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Character Building Fun from Proverbs

A woman from my church who faithfully prayed for Joshua while he was in the womb gave me a book as one of my shower gifts called "God's Wisdom for Little Boys" by Jim & Elizabeth George. I've read it to Joshua often in his short life and gave a copy to one of my friends to share with her son because we liked it so much. As I've been asking God to show me how to develop character in Joshua, I've come to the realization that Joshua is doing well health-wise because people have prayed for him, he's learned how to walk because we prayed for his physical abilities and growth, he's got a charming personality and beautiful features because we've prayed for them, and if we want him to grow up to be like Jesus, we're going to need to continue to pray for him and his soul and motivations. Will you please join me in praying for him and his character? Since we've finished with the Fruit of the Spirit, I thought I'd start posting little passages from this book and pray for those each day. Thank you, God, for answering our prayers and caring about Joshua's nature as much or more than we do!

God's Little Boy is...HELPFUL
Being helpful is so rare these days!
But God's little boy helps in various ways
His wonderful service is known near and far,
Like the help he gives in washing the car.
Whenever you are able,
do good to people who need help.
Proverbs 3:27
Dear God, please develop a spirit of helpfulness in Joshua's heart. May he put the needs of others before his own and love his 'neighbor' as himself. Please instill in him the desire to "do good to people who need help, whenever he is able." Thank you, Jesus, for demonstrating helpfulness to us in the Bible. Help Shawn & me to also demonstrate this character trait so he has good role models. We are thankful for you working in Joshua's life to make him a man after your own heart. We love you and praise you. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN!

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