Thursday, January 31, 2008

God's Little Boy Is...Friendly

God's little boy makes friends with others;
Those friends include his sisters and brothers.
True friends are always a gift from above;
Make it your goal to give brotherly love.
A friend loves you all the time.
A brother is always there to help you.
Proverbs 17:17

Dear God, we pray today that Joshua would be known as a friendly person. Give him a kind heart with a gentle spirit, a person that loves people and shares. I worry as I see him not sharing his toys with other little ones, and I pray that you would command his spirit to be more like you, where he would want to help others and make them feel good. Lord, only through your grace and mercy are we friendly toward one another no matter what the circumstance. Please help Joshua always be friendly and show your love and light to this world. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN!

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