Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wacky Wednesday Turned into Thursday

I'll play with anything that looks like it could be a toy!

When we got home from breakfast yesterday, we got ready for Joshua's new physical therapist to arrive. She said that he's now due for an evaluation again, so instead of working with him, she asked me questions about his development in the areas of cognitive, speech...and something else. She said she'll score them and let me know where he's at. At his next appointment, which is near the end of February, she'll evaluate his physical development and we'll decide if more therapy is needed or if I'd like him to go on more of a tracking system. All I really wanted was for him to be able to walk and I'm thrilled that he's learned how to do that (praise God!). I also enjoyed hearing good suggestions and pointers from the PT, so I'm fine either way. If they think he's at a level that's good now, I'm definitely fine with just tracking. If they think there's more we could work on, I want the best for him and am willing to do what it takes. So, I'll be anxious to hear the outcome of the evaluation.

Last night I had class, which went okay but was a little disappointing to me. At the end of the class, I designed a game to help students review for the exam next week. They had to answer simple questions, and most of the folks were getting them wrong. Ugh! I say 'ugh' because I've shown videos, discussed case studies, went over the powerpoint presentations, asked questions throughout the nights to help instill the information in their minds, and they should be reading the textbook themselves. So, these questions really should have been a no-brainer. Instead, I saw that my class is heading toward failure. And, not all of the students...I did have some folks that got every question right (or at least 95%) but I also had some that didn't answer a single one correctly. I guess it's up to them to learn, but it drives me CRAZY! especially since I put all this time and effort into making the class informative, interesting and fun. Oh well...

This morning Joshua had a follow-up eye exam. I say follow-up because CHOP checked his eyes last December and called this December saying that he should be seen somewhere for his one-year checkup. So, I called the insurance company to see who takes his insurance and there was an eye doctor about 500 feet from our house. Super! (So I thought.) When I got there, they said that they don't have any pediatric eye specialists (even though I told them how old Joshua is when I made the appointment) but they take patients of all ages. Since we were there, I thought we'd give it a shot. Joshua wanted NOTHING to do with them looking into his eyes. The doctor BARELY spoke English and basically told me that his eyes respond well to light, he follows the pen around, and he couldn't see his retina because Joshua wouldn't let him. Umm...our insurance is paying for THAT? It lasted all of 30 seconds, and he told me to come back when Joshua's in Kindergarten unless we see any problems. I highly doubt we'll go back there, not that it's his fault, but I just think someone who specializes with children would be better at distracting them or at least not scaring them. Ugh!

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